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引用本文:黄成就, 张永田,.广西锥属植物一新种[J].广西植物,1985(3):183-184.
作者姓名:黄成就  张永田  
作者单位:中国科学院华南植物研究所 (黄成就),福建省亚热带植物研究所(张永田)
摘    要:<正> 龙州锥 (新种) 图版1 本种与淋漓锥近缘,但本种的叶片两面无毛且同色,叶缘有锯齿状裂齿,有时为钝裂齿,网状叶脉纤细而明显,果序较短,有果较少数,壳斗及坚果较大,壳斗的鳞片被毛,覆瓦状松弛排列,可作区别特征。 乔木,高5—8米,树干胸径8—15厘米,树皮灰棕色,当年生枝浑圆,粗壮,无毛,干后近暗棕色,密生淡黄色、细圆点状皮孔;新生芽阔卵形,顶端钝,长及宽均约3毫米,芽鳞无毛或边缘有稀疏短毛。叶硬报质,卵形,椭圆形或披针形,稀倒卵形,连叶柄长8—

关 键 词:龙州锥

Huang Cheng-chiu.A NEW SPECIES OF CASTANQPSIS SPACH FROM GUANGXI[J].Guihaia,1985(3):183-184.
Authors:Huang Cheng-chiu
Abstract:Castanopsis longzhouica, an undescribed and most interesting species of which shares certain characters from more than two genera, with few-flowered much shortened female inflorescence, the superficies and texture of the indehiscent fruitinvolucre (or cupule), particularly to the loose incoherent scales and the nut strikingly resembles those members representing typical Quercus L. and also nome species of Lithocarpus Bl. The male flowers born on the adscending inflorescence and with rather smaller anthers, the female flowers with styles commonly 3 and the dot-liked stigmatic surface on the near top of the style, these together are the unique characters of both genera Lithocarpus Bl. and Castanopsis Spach. While in wood anatomy, both uniseriate wood (xylem) rays and large multiseriate rays occur, those of the notably multiseriate rays are even strongly aggregate, these characters are conformed with a natural group consists of few-members in Castanopsis Spach but a great number while in Lithocarpus Bl., based on this evidence, professor Ho inclined toward to distribute this new species to the genus Lithocarpus Bl. (cf. the subsequent paper). Studied on palynology, the pollen grains of Lithocarpus are as well as Castanopsis from ellipsoid to elongate spheroid. The exine structure of this new species was observed under SEM by Mrs. Liu and her colaborator is irregular reticulate-stiped, this typical structure is unique both Lithocarpus and Castanopsis but quite distinguishable from other genera in Fagaceae. Based on some minor characters, after an elaborated observation and on comparing with many species of these two genera, Liu came to the conclusion that the new species would be placed reasonably to the genus Castanopsis Spach. (cf. next to the subsequent paper).
Keywords:Castanopsis longzhouica
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