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APC-targeted RAAI degradation mediates the cell cycle and root development in plants
Authors:Yunyuan Xu  Hong Cao  Kang Chong
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Photosynthesis and Environmental Molecular Physiology; Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing, China
Abstract:Protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system is necessary for a normal cell cycle. As compared with knowledge of the mechanism in animals and yeast, that in plants is less known. Here we summarize research into the regulatory mechanism of protein degradation in the cell cycle in plants. Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC), in the E3 family of enzymes, plays an important role in maintaining normal mitosis. APC activation and substrate specificity is determined by its activators, which can recognize the destruction box (D-box) in APC target proteins. Oryza sativa root architecture-associated I (OsRAA1) with GTP-binding activity was originally cloned from rice. Overexpression of of OsRAA1 inhibits the growth of primary roots in rice. Knockdown lines showed reduced height of seedlings because of abnormal cell division. OsRAA1 transgenic rice and fission yeast show a higher proportion of metaphase cells than that of controls, which suggests a blocked transition from metaphase to anaphase during mitosis. OsRAA1 co-localizes with spindle tubulin. It contains the D-box motif and interacts with OsRPT4 of the regulatory particle of 26S proteasome. OsRAA1 may be a cell cycle inhibitor that can be degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and its disruption is necessary for the transition from metaphase to anaphase during root growth in rice.Key words: cell cycle, APC, RAA1, rice, protein degradationProtein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system is necessary for the normal cell cycle. The activation of 3 enzymes, E1 (ubiquitin-activating enzyme), E2 (ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme) and E3 (ubiquitin ligase), are required for the addition of ubiquitin molecules to the target protein. E1 catalyzes the formation of the thiol-ester bond between C-terminal glycine in ubiquitin and cysteine in E1, and activated ubiquitin is transferred to a cysteine in E2. With the help of an E3, ubiquitin is linked to the lysine in the target protein. Subsequent ubiquitins can be attached to the previously bound ubiquitin because of the seven lysine residues in the ubiquitin molecule. Finally, the ubiquitinated substrates are degraded by the 26S proteasome.E3 confers substrate specificity. E3 ubiquitin ligases comprise a large and diverse family of proteins or protein complexes. E3s are of two classes: homology to E6-AP carboxy terminus-containing proteins, and RING-finger domain-containing proteins. The RING-finger E3s have 4 subgroups: single subunit RING E3, VCB-Cul2 complex (VBC), Skp1/Cullin/F-box protein (SCF) and anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C).1 The SCF ligases regulate the transition from G1/S and G2/M, and APC is required for mitosis. Many APC substrates have been identified in animals.2 The polyubiquitinated substrates can be recognized by different ubiquitin receptors and degraded via 26S proteasome.3,4 However, little is known about APC substrates in plants.
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