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Responses of Escherichia coli Bacteria to Two Opposing Chemoattractant Gradients Depend on the Chemoreceptor Ratio
Authors:Yevgeniy Kalinin  Silke Neumann  Victor Sourjik  Mingming Wu
Institution:School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,1. Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der Universität Heidelberg, DKFZ-ZMBH Alliance, Heidelberg, Germany,2. Biological and Environmental Engineering Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York3.
Abstract:Escherichia coli chemotaxis has long served as a simple model of environmental signal processing, and bacterial responses to single chemical gradients are relatively well understood. Less is known about the chemotactic behavior of E. coli in multiple chemical gradients. In their native environment, cells are often exposed to multiple chemical stimuli. Using a recently developed microfluidic chemotaxis device, we exposed E. coli cells to two opposing but equally potent gradients of major attractants, methyl-aspartate and serine. The responses of E. coli cells demonstrated that chemotactic decisions depended on the ratio of the respective receptor number of Tar/Tsr. In addition, the ratio of Tar to Tsr was found to vary with cells’ growth conditions, whereby it depended on the culture density but not on the growth duration. These results provide biological insights into the decision-making processes of chemotactic bacteria that are subjected to multiple chemical stimuli and demonstrate the importance of the cellular microenvironment in determining phenotypic behavior.In their natural environment, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are exposed to multiple chemical stimuli. It is thus important to learn how cells make a decision when confronted with complex chemical stimuli. Escherichia coli bacteria have long served as a model system for chemotaxis studies due to their known and simple genetic makeup. Signaling in bacterial chemotaxis is comparatively well understood (3, 18, 19). To summarize it briefly, there are five types of chemoreceptors in E. coli, of which Tar and Tsr are the most abundant. The basic functional chemosensing unit is a ternary complex that consists of transmembrane chemoreceptors, a linker molecule, CheW, and a histidine kinase, CheA. Within each functional receptor complex, the receptors are known to function in a cooperative manner (9, 12, 16). Upon the binding of attractant molecules, this sensory complex undergoes a conformational change that suppresses the autophosphorylation activity of CheA. This response is then transmitted to the flagellar motor via a regulator protein, CheY. As a result, the run time of an E. coli bacterium is lengthened when swimming toward a high-chemoattractant-concentration region (4).While the molecular mechanisms governing bacterial chemotaxis in a single gradient have been investigated extensively both in experiments and in theory (see reference 8 and references therein), very little is known about how bacteria behave in the presence of dual chemical gradients (1, 17). Early work by Adler and Tso explored the chemotactic responses of E. coli cells in the presence of both attractant and repellent gradients by using a microcapillary chemotaxis assay (1). Twenty years later, Strauss et al. (17) revisited the problem by using a stop-flow chamber. Both investigations concluded that bacteria sum the chemical signals to provide a coordinated output to control flagellar rotation. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for this calculation have not yet been explored.In this paper, we investigated the molecular mechanism that underlies the bacterial decision-making processes in two opposing attractant gradients that are sensed by the two most abundant E. coli receptors, Tar and Tsr, respectively. By varying the relative expression levels of Tar and Tsr, we demonstrated that the receptor ratio defines the attractant preference in dual gradients of their ligands. The Tar-to-Tsr ratio itself depends on the cell culture density but not on the duration of growth.
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