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Yeast Cell Adhesion Molecules Have Functional Amyloid-Forming Sequences
Authors:Caleen B. Ramsook  Cho Tan  Melissa C. Garcia  Raymond Fung  Gregory Soybelman  Ryan Henry  Anna Litewka  Shanique O'Meally  Henry N. Otoo  Roy A. Khalaf  Anne M. Dranginis  Nand K. Gaur  Stephen A. Klotz  Jason M. Rauceo  Chong K. Jue  Peter N. Lipke
Abstract:The occurrence of highly conserved amyloid-forming sequences in Candida albicans Als proteins (H. N. Otoo et al., Eukaryot. Cell 7:776–782, 2008) led us to search for similar sequences in other adhesins from C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The β-aggregation predictor TANGO found highly β-aggregation-prone sequences in almost all yeast adhesins. These sequences had an unusual amino acid composition: 77% of their residues were β-branched aliphatic amino acids Ile, Thr, and Val, which is more than 4-fold greater than their prevalence in the S. cerevisiae proteome. High β-aggregation potential peptides from S. cerevisiae Flo1p and C. albicans Eap1p rapidly formed insoluble amyloids, as determined by Congo red absorbance, thioflavin T fluorescence, and fiber morphology. As examples of the amyloid-forming ability of the native proteins, soluble glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-less fragments of C. albicans Als5p and S. cerevisiae Muc1p also formed amyloids within a few days under native conditions at nM concentrations. There was also evidence of amyloid formation in vivo: the surfaces of cells expressing wall-bound Als1p, Als5p, Muc1p, or Flo1p were birefringent and bound the fluorescent amyloid-reporting dye thioflavin T. Both of these properties increased upon aggregation of the cells. In addition, amyloid binding dyes strongly inhibited aggregation and flocculation. The results imply that amyloid formation is an intrinsic property of yeast cell adhesion proteins from many gene families and that amyloid formation is an important component of cellular aggregation mediated by these proteins.Protein amyloids are characteristic of pathological conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases (4, 11, 17, 38). These protein aggregates can also occur naturally in adhesive bacterial curli (3), melanosomes (14), condensed peptide hormone arrays (24), as regulatory prions in yeast (2, 5), and fungal hydrophobins, which are nonantigenic coats to some fungi (1, 33, 39). Nevertheless, such natural occurrences are relatively few, considering the negative free energy for amyloid formation (28).We have recently discovered that there are amyloid-forming sequences in the cell surface Als adhesins of Candida albicans. Cells that express these adhesins aggregate readily, and the aggregation has amyloid-like properties, including protein conformational shifting, surface birefringence, and ability to bind the amyloid-active dyes Congo red and amino-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) (29). A five- to seven-residue sequence in Als1p, Als3p, and Als5p has extremely high potential for formation of β-aggregates, according to the protein state prediction program TANGO (13, 27, 31). Such β-aggregates include amyloids, which are ordered structures with paracrystalline regions of stacked parallel β-strands that are perpendicular to the long axis of micrometer-long fibrils. The strands are stabilized by interaction of identical sequences from many protein molecules (31, 32). Where TANGO analyses have shown that specific sequences have β-aggregate potentials greater than 20%, an insoluble β-aggregate state is likely to form. These β-aggregates nucleate formation of amyloids if the proteins can associate to form fibers (13, 27, 31). Sequences in the conserved 127-residue T region of Als1p, Als3p, and Als5p have β-aggregation potentials of >90% (27). An oligopeptide with this sequence, as well as 412- and 645-residue fragments of Als5p formed authentic amyloids, as determined by characteristic dye binding and fiber morphology. The amyloid-forming sequences were rich in the β-branched amino acids Thr, Val, and Ile. This amino acid composition is unusual among proteins in general, but is common in the Thr-rich mid-piece domains of yeast adhesins.Yeasts display many cell-wall-bound adhesins that mediate colonial and biofilm interactions as well as host-pathogen binding (9, 21, 41). Such adhesins have a common mosaic structure. In general, the adhesins have N-terminal globular binding domains (often immunoglobulin-like or lectin-like), Thr-rich mid-piece sequences including tandem repeats, and 300- to 800-residue heavily glycosylated Ser and Thr-rich “stalk” domains near the C-terminal domain that extend the active regions from the surface of the wall. The adhesins are covalently cross-linked to wall polysaccharides through modified glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors and/or glycosyl esters of glutamic acid (9, 18).Because the yeast adhesins share this common modular domain structure, we searched among known and putative yeast adhesins for sequences with high β-aggregation potential. We have found that many of these proteins share amyloid-forming sequences and amyloid-like behavior on activation.
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