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Preparation of Genomic DNA from a Single Species of Uncultured Magnetotactic Bacterium by Multiple-Displacement Amplification
Authors:Atsushi Arakaki  Mie Shibusawa  Masahito Hosokawa  Tadashi Matsunaga
Affiliation:Department of Biotechnology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan
Abstract:Magnetotactic bacteria comprise a phylogenetically diverse group that is capable of synthesizing intracellular magnetic particles. Although various morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria have been observed in the environment, bacterial strains available in pure culture are currently limited to a few genera due to difficulties in their enrichment and cultivation. In order to obtain genetic information from uncultured magnetotactic bacteria, a genome preparation method that involves magnetic separation of cells, flow cytometry, and multiple displacement amplification (MDA) using φ29 polymerase was used in this study. The conditions for the MDA reaction using samples containing 1 to 100 cells were evaluated using a pure-culture magnetotactic bacterium, “Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1,” whose complete genome sequence is available. Uniform gene amplification was confirmed by quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) when 100 cells were used as a template. This method was then applied for genome preparation of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria from complex bacterial communities in an aquatic environment. A sample containing 100 cells of the uncultured magnetotactic coccus was prepared by magnetic cell separation and flow cytometry and used as an MDA template. 16S rRNA sequence analysis of the MDA product from these 100 cells revealed that the amplified genomic DNA was from a single species of magnetotactic bacterium that was phylogenetically affiliated with magnetotactic cocci in the Alphaproteobacteria. The combined use of magnetic separation, flow cytometry, and MDA provides a new strategy to access individual genetic information from magnetotactic bacteria in environmental samples.Magnetotactic bacteria synthesize nanosized intracellular magnetic particles, also referred to as magnetosomes, by accumulating iron ions from the environment. Since the first report on the identification of magnetotactic bacteria (2), the morphological and phylogenetic diversity of these organisms has been observed in various aquatic environments (12, 25, 27, 30). However, bacterial strains available in pure culture are currently limited to a few genera. Desulfovibrio magneticus strain RS-1 is the only isolate of magnetotactic bacteria that is classified among the Deltaproteobacteria (13, 23), while Magnetospirillum spp., marine magnetic vibrio strain MV-1, and “Magnetococcus strain MC-1” are phylogenetically affiliated within the Alphaproteobacteria group (24, 27). This limitation is mainly because not much is known about their metabolic requirements, culturing conditions, and obligate coculture requirements.Isolation and enrichment of magnetotactic bacteria are generally conducted by applying a magnetic field to a container containing a sediment sample from the environment. The capillary racetrack method is a highly selective enrichment technique that separates magnetotactic bacteria from other contaminants (31). The magnetic separation method that involves the use of a large glass apparatus is efficient and suitable for analyzing samples containing more than 100 ml of sediment and water (12, 16). These techniques have been applied to investigate community structure and phylogenetic diversity of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria in the environment based on 16S rRNA analyses (3, 7, 26, 29). In a recent study, DNA isolation enabling gene cloning was examined by magnetically collecting a large number of magnetotactic cells from environmental samples, and two gene fragments, probably containing parts of magnetosome islands (MAIs) derived from magnetotactic bacteria of the Alphaproteobacteria, were identified (12). However, this approach allows only for sequence gene information to be obtained from a heterogeneous bacterial community in the sample.Multiple displacement amplification (MDA) can generate microgram quantities of high-quality DNA sample from a few femtograms of DNA template (5, 6). We previously revealed that MDA is a powerful tool for whole-genome amplification from the metagenome of an uncultured bacterial community (32). Studies have been conducted to determine the efficacy of MDA for analyzing genomic DNA preparations from a limited number of bacterial cells (14, 17, 21, 22, 28). Complete genomic sequencing of an uncultured gut symbiont in termites has been achieved using MDA products amplified from approximately 1,000 cells (9). Partial genome sequencing using MDA products from a single uncultured cell has also been reported (17, 22). Such targeted genome analyses using MDA products from a single cell or genetically identical microorganisms is advantageous because it allows the assignment of individual genes to the corresponding microorganisms.In this study, an improved genome preparation method involving racetrack purification and flow cytometry followed by MDA was investigated by using a small number of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria. This method can be used for the identification of new genes from rare magnetotactic bacteria in environmental samples.
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