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An architectural analysis of the elongation of field-grown sunflower root systems. Elements for modelling the effects of temperature and intercepted radiation
Authors:Aguirrezabal  LAN; Tardieu  F
Abstract:The effects of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) andsoil temperature on root system elongation rate have been analysedby using an architectural framework. Root elongation rate wasanalysed by considering three terms, (i) the branch appearancerate, (ii) the individual elongation rates of the taproot andbranches and (iii) the proportion of branches which stop elongating.Large ranges ofPPFD and soil temperature were obtained in aseries of field and growth chamber experiments. In the field,the growth of root systems experiencing day-to-day natural fluctuationof PPFD and temperature was followed, and some of the plantsunder study were shaded. In the growth chamber, plants experiencedcontrasting and constant PPFDs and root temperatures. The directeffect of apex temperature on individual root elongation ratewas surprisingly low in the range 13–25C, except forthe first days after germination. Root elongation rate was essentiallyrelated to intercepted PPFD and to distance to the source, bothin the field and in the growth chamber. Branch appearance ratesubstantially varied among days and environmental conditions.It was essentially linked to taproot elongation rate, as theprofile of branch density along the taproot was quite stable.The length of the taproot segment carrying newly appeared brancheson a given day was equal to taproot elongation on this day,plus a 'buffering term' which transiently increased if taprootelongation rate slowed down. The proportion of branches whichstopped elongating a short distance from the taproot rangedfrom 50–80% and was, therefore, a major architecturalvariable, although it is not taken into account in current architecturalmodels. A set of equations accounting for the variabilitiesin elongation rate, branch appearance rate and proportion ofbranches which stop elongating, as a function of interceptedPPFD and apex temperature is proposed. These equations applyfor both field and growth chamber experiments. Key words: Sunflower, root system, model, temperature, radiation
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