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The Physiological Mechanisms of Acclimatization in Tropical Reef Corals
Affiliation:*Department of Biology, University of California Los Angeles, 621 Circle Drive South, Box 951606, Los Angeles, California 90095-1606
"{dagger}"Department of Biology, California State University Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, California 91330.
Abstract:SYNOPSIS. The ability of scleractinian corals to survive changesthat are predicted in the global environment over the next centurywill lie in their physiological mechanisms of acclimatization.Corals display rapid modifications in behavior, morphology andphysiology enabling them to photoacclimate to changing lightconditions, a scenario that demonstrates considerable biologicalflexibility. Here we argue that the acclimatization mechanismsin corals are fundamentally similar to those exhibited by otherinvertebrate taxa. We discuss protein metabolism as a mechanismunderlying acclimatization responses in reef corals, and explorethe relationship between protein turnover, metabolic rate, growthrate, and acclimatization capacity. Our preliminary analysessuggest that corals with low growth rates (µCa/mgN/h)and high metabolic rates (µO2/cm2/hr), such as the massivespecies, acclimatize more effectively than those with high growthrates and low metabolic rates, a feature that is characteristicof branching species. We conclude that studies of protein turnover,combined with temporally relevant investigations into the dynamicaspects of coral dinoflagellate symbioses will provide considerableinsight into why corals exhibit such a high level of variationin response to the same environmental challenge. Furthermore,a more detailed understanding of acclimatization mechanismsis essential if we are to predict how a coral assemblage willrespond to present and future environmental challenges.
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