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Localisation of Formyl-Peptide Receptor 2 in the Rat Central Nervous System and Its Role in Axonal and Dendritic Outgrowth
Authors:Christabel Fung-Yih Ho  Nadia Binte Ismail  Joled Kong-Ze Koh  Saravanan Gunaseelan  Yi-Hua Low  Yee-Kong Ng  John Jia-En Chua  Wei-Yi Ong
Affiliation:1.Department of Anatomy,National University of Singapore,Singapore,Singapore;2.Department of Physiology,National University of Singapore,Singapore,Singapore;3.Institute of Neurology,University College London,London,UK;4.Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology,Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR),Singapore,Singapore;5.Neurobiology and Ageing Research Programme,National University of Singapore,Singapore,Singapore
Abstract:Arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) released by the action of phospholipases A2 (PLA2) on membrane phospholipids may be metabolized by lipoxygenases to the anti-inflammatory mediators lipoxin A4 (LXA4) and resolvin D1 (RvD1), and these can bind to a common receptor, formyl-peptide receptor 2 (FPR2). The contribution of this receptor to axonal or dendritic outgrowth is unknown. The present study was carried out to elucidate the distribution of FPR2 in the rat CNS and its role in outgrowth of neuronal processes. FPR2 mRNA expression was greatest in the brainstem, followed by the spinal cord, thalamus/hypothalamus, cerebral neocortex, hippocampus, cerebellum and striatum. The brainstem and spinal cord also contained high levels of FPR2 protein. The cerebral neocortex was moderately immunolabelled for FPR2, with staining mostly present as puncta in the neuropil. Dentate granule neurons and their axons (mossy fibres) in the hippocampus were very densely labelled. The cerebellar cortex was lightly stained, but the deep cerebellar nuclei, inferior olivary nucleus, vestibular nuclei, spinal trigeminal nucleus and dorsal horn of the spinal cord were densely labelled. Electron microscopy of the prefrontal cortex showed FPR2 immunolabel mostly in immature axon terminals or ‘pre-terminals’, that did not form synapses with dendrites. Treatment of primary hippocampal neurons with the FPR2 inhibitors, PBP10 or WRW4, resulted in reduced lengths of axons and dendrites. The CNS distribution of FPR2 suggests important functions in learning and memory, balance and nociception. This might be due to an effect of FPR2 in mediating arachidonic acid/LXA4 or DHA/RvD1-induced axonal or dendritic outgrowth.
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