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Bloom Syndrome Helicase Stimulates RAD51 DNA Strand Exchange Activity through a Novel Mechanism
Authors:Dmitry V. Bugreev   Olga M. Mazina     Alexander V. Mazin
Affiliation:From the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102-1192 and ;the §Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Abstract:Loss or inactivation of BLM, a helicase of the RecQ family, causes Bloom syndrome, a genetic disorder with a strong predisposition to cancer. Although the precise function of BLM remains unknown, genetic data has implicated BLM in the process of genetic recombination and DNA repair. Previously, we demonstrated that BLM can disrupt the RAD51-single-stranded DNA filament that promotes the initial steps of homologous recombination. However, this disruption occurs only if RAD51 is present in an inactive ADP-bound form. Here, we investigate interactions of BLM with the active ATP-bound form of the RAD51-single-stranded DNA filament. Surprisingly, we found that BLM stimulates DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51. In contrast to the helicase activity of BLM, this stimulation does not require ATP hydrolysis. These data suggest a novel BLM function that is stimulation of the RAD51 DNA pairing. Our results demonstrate the important role of the RAD51 nucleoprotein filament conformation in stimulation of DNA pairing by BLM.Mutations of BLM helicase cause Bloom syndrome (BS),2 a rare autosomal disorder, which is associated with stunted growth, facial sun sensitivity, immunodeficiency, fertility defects, and a greatly elevated incidence of many types of cancer occurring at an early age (1). BLM belongs to the highly conserved family of RecQ helicases that are required for the maintenance of genome integrity in all organisms (2, 3). There are five RecQ helicases in humans; mutations in three of them, WRN, RECQ4, and BLM, have been associated with the genetic abnormalities known as Werner, Rothmund-Thomson, and Bloom syndrome, respectively (4, 5). The cells from BS patients display genomic instability; the hallmark of BS is an increase in the frequency of sister chromatid and interhomolog exchanges (1, 6). Because homologous recombination (HR) is responsible for chromosomal exchanges, it is thought that BLM helicase functions in regulating HR (79). Also, BLM helicase is required for faithful chromosome segregation (10) and repair of stalled replication forks (11, 12), the processes that are linked to HR (1315). BLM was found to interact physically with RAD51, a key protein of HR (16) that catalyzes the central steps in HR including the search for homology and the exchange of strands between homologous ssDNA and dsDNA sequences (17). In cells, BLM forms nuclear foci, a subset of which co-localize with RAD51. Interestingly, the extent of RAD51 and BLM co-localization increases in response to ionizing radiation, indicating a possible role of BLM in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (16).Biochemical studies suggest that BLM may perform several different functions in HR. BLM was shown to promote the dissociation of HR intermediates (D-loops) (1820), branch migration of Holliday junctions (21), and dissolution of double Holliday junctions acting in a complex with TopoIIIα and BLAP75 (2224). BLM may also facilitate DNA synthesis during the repair process by unwinding the DNA template in front of the replication fork (25). In addition, BLM and its yeast homolog Sgs1 may play a role at the initial steps of DNA double-strand break repair by participating in exonucleolitic resection of the DNA ends to generate DNA molecules with the 3′-ssDNA tails, a substrate for RAD51 binding (2629).In vivo, the process of HR is tightly regulated by various mechanisms (30). Whereas some proteins promote HR (14, 31), others inhibit this process, thereby preventing its untimely initiation (32, 33). Disruption of the Rad51-ssDNA nucleoprotein filament appears to be an especially important mechanism of controlling HR. This filament disruption activity was demonstrated for the yeast Srs2 helicase (34, 35) and human RECQ5 helicase (36). Recently, we found that BLM can also catalyze disruption of the RAD51-ssDNA filament (25). This disruption only occurs if the filament is present in an inactive ADP-bound form, e.g. in the presence of Mg2+. Conversion of RAD51 into an active ATP-bound form, e.g. in the presence of Ca2+ (37), renders the filament resistant to BLM disruption (25). In this study, we analyze the interactions of BLM with an active ATP-bound RAD51-ssDNA filament. Surprisingly, we found that BLM stimulates the DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51. Thus, depending on the conformational state of the RAD51 nucleoprotein filament, BLM may either inhibit or stimulate the DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51. Our analysis demonstrated that, in contrast to several known stimulatory proteins that act by promoting formation of the RAD51-ssDNA filament, BLM stimulates the DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51 at a later stage, during synapsis. Stimulation appears to be independent of the ATPase activity of BLM. We suggest that this stimulation of RAD51 may represent a novel function of BLM in homologous recombination.
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