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Comprehensive quantitative proteome analysis of 20S proteasome subtypes from rat liver by isotope coded affinity tag and 2-D gel-based approaches
Authors:Schmidt Frank  Dahlmann Burkhardt  Janek Katharina  Kloss Alexander  Wacker Maik  Ackermann Renate  Thiede Bernd  Jungblut Peter R
Affiliation:Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Core Facility Protein Analysis, Berlin, Germany.
Abstract:Quantitative protein profiling is an essential part of proteomics and requires technologies that accurately, reproducibly, and comprehensively identify and quantify proteins. Over the past years, many quantitative proteomic methods have been developed. Here, 20S proteasome subtypes isolated from rat were compared by four approaches based on the combination of isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT), 2-DE, LC and ESI and MALDI MS: (i) 2-DE, (ii) ICAT/2-DE MALDI-MS, (iii) ICAT/LC-ESI-MS, (iv) ICAT/LC-MALDI-MS. A definite qualitative advantage of 2-DE gels was the separation of all known protein species, the identification of cysteine sulfoxide of alpha-4 (RC6-IS) and N-terminal acetylation of several subunits. Furthermore, quantitative differences between the standard subunits beta-2, and beta-5 and their immunosubunits were only detected by 2-DE image analysis revealing a higher replacement of standard- by immuno-beta-subunits in subtype IV. It was obvious that for relative quantification only protein spot and mass peaks with a certain level of intensity displayed acceptable values of SD. However, ICAT in conjunction with LC/MALDI-MS was the most accurate method for quantification. The experimental data of this investigation are accessible via http://www.mpiib-berlin.mpg.de/2D-PAGE/.
Keywords:20S Proteasome subtypes  Isotope‐coded affinity tag  MS  MS‐Screener  Quantitative proteomics
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