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Effect of far-red light pulse on induction and production of flowers in Lemna paucicostata 6746 in darkness
Authors:Mori   Hiroyuki
Affiliation:Biological Institute, Nagoya University Chikusa, Nagoya 464, Japan
Abstract:A short-day duckweed, Lemna paucicostata 6746, was exposed tocontinuous darkness at 26?C, and the changes in the floral parameters(3) due to far-red and/or red light pulse given at various timesof the dark period were studied. Parameters a (vegetative growth rate) and {varphi} (flowering ratio)were respectively decreased and increased with a far-red lightpulse given at the outset of the dark period. The decreaseda and the increased {varphi} remained almost unchanged until the 7thhour, but returned to their initial levels thereafter. The far-redlight actions on a and {varphi} were reversed by subsequent exposureto red light. Parameter P1 (pre-flower induction period) wasextended by 1 day when far-red and/or red pulse was given atabout the 7th hour of the dark period. A far-jed pulse givenat the outset of the dark period only affected parameter P2(flower induction period). Although the sensitivity of P2 tored light increased with time, its sensitivity to far-red lightremained constant and at about the 7th hour was equally sensitiveto far-red and red lights. Both red and far-red pulses givenlater than the 7th hour were increasingly ineffective on P2.The red/far-red reversibility occurred only for the action onP2 of the far-red pulse applied during the early dark period.Parameter P4 (flower production period) varied rhythmicallyin length with a far-red puke, the maximum shortening and extensionbeing induced by the pulse given at about the 7th and 19th hours,respectively. The sensitivity of P4 to red light also changedrhythmically with an inverse phase angle to the rhythmic responseto farred light, and the far-red and red light actions werereversed respectively by subsequent red and far-red lights. These findings suggested that multiple timing devices includingan hourglass-type clock and a circadian clock are involved induckweed flowering. (Received October 25, 1978; )
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