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An Investigation into the Rate and Control of Assimilate Movement from Leaves in Pisum sativum
Authors:LOVELL, P. H.   OO, H. T.   SAGAR, G. R.
Abstract:Export studies were made on leaves of Pisum by monitoring the14CO2-treated source leaf at its surface at frequent intervals.Radiocarbon levels of fresh leaf samples showed a good correlationwith results from the more conventional methods of radiocarbonestimation which involve destructive analysis. The rate of export was highest in plants which had been defoliated,except for the source leaf 20 h or more before the start ofthe export study. Removal of the shoot apex reduced export andprogressive reduction in sink capacity was associated with decreasedexport rates, particularly over short time periods. Export rateswere similar in defoliated and non-defoliated plants where theshoot apex and the roots had been excised. This suggested thata decrease in the source resulted in higher export rates fromthe remaining source only when active sinks were present; thisin turn suggests that, at least under these conditions, activeremoval of photosynthate is more important in controlling exportthan the photosynthate build-up in the leaf itself. The non-destructive technique enabled comparisons to be madebetween export curves for individual plants. It was found thatin experiments replicated in time, the same relationship betweentreatments was present on different days and the shape of theexport curves was similar but the absolute values for exportedradiocarbon sometimes varied considerably.
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