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引用本文:姚中进. 公立医院公益性淡化的政府规制俘获因素分析与对策机制[J]. 西北植物学报, 2013, 0(1): 12-14
摘    要:在市场经济背景下,公立医院公益性日益淡化,其原因是多方面的,而政府规制俘获是其中最根本的原因之一。政府规制俘获是政府失灵的表现,政府规制部门与公立医院之间信息不对称是政府规制俘获产生的前提,政府多重委托代理所造成的规制主体多元化是政府规制俘获产生的条件,规制主体的自身利益诉求且缺乏公益性是规制俘获产生的必然。针对政府规制俘获产生的现实,应建立信息披露机制,组建卫生大部制,增加规制者的俘获成本,促进规制政策制定的科学性,从制度层面阻止政府规制俘获的产生,保证公立医院的公益性。

关 键 词:公立医院;政府规制;规制俘获

Government Regulation Capture Factors Analysis and Countermeasure Mechanism of Public Welfare Diluting in the Public Hospital
Abstract:Under the background of the market economy, public welfare of public hospitals is increasingly diluting. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most fundamental reasons is the capture of government regulation. Government regulation capture is the performance of government failure. Information asymmetry is the premise for the capture of government regulation. The diversification of the regulatory body is the condition for the capture of government regulation. The interest demand of the regulatory body is inevitable for the capture of government regulation. Through regarding to the reality of government regulation capture, information disclosure mechanism should be established. The big health department system should be organized. The cost of regulatory capture should be increased. It is necessary to promote scientific regulatory policy-making. All these systems are to prevent the government regulatory capture, and ensure the public hospital welfare.
Keywords:public hospital   government regulation   regulatory capture
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