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. 不同地区三级医院患者公益性评价比较及影响因素研究[J]. 西北植物学报, 2012, 0(10): 19-21

  p"  >胡献之,陈英耀,梁斐等

摘    要:????? 目的 了解不同地区患者对三级公立医院公益性的评价,探究公益性评价的影响因素。方法 通过问卷的形式,在东、中、西3个地区选择在三级医院就诊的患者进行调查, 使用Pearson Chi-square、非参数检验和Logistic回归方法对数据进行分析。 结果 患者对于公立医院的公益性评价存在一定的地区差异,但公益性总体评价的影响因素类似,医疗服务的适宜性和公平性是主要影响因素。结论 加强三级公立医院的公益性应该着重提高医疗服务的适宜性,提高医疗服务的公平性。

关 键 词:公立医院;公益性评价;患者;医疗服务;适宜性;公平性

Comparison and Influencing Factors of Social Responsibility Evaluation from Patients in Public Tertiary Hospitals in Different Regions
Abstract:???? Objective To explore social responsibility of public tertiary hospitals and its influencing factors from the perspective of patients. Methods Questionnaire survey was used to investigate outpatients and inpatients from public tertiary hospitals distributed in the eastern, central and western China, and the data was analyzed by statistical techniques. Results Levels of social responsibility vary in different regions, but the impact factors of social responsibility overall assessment are similar, and the appropriateness and fairness of medical services is the main influencing factors. Conclusion Enhancing the social responsibility of public tertiary hospitals should focus on improving the appropriateness of medical services, and increasing the fairness of medical services.
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