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Intracisternal administration of cholecystokinin-8 counteracts the central cardiovascular effects of adrenaline and NPY. A study based on the coexistence of cholecystokinin, phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius
Authors:Anders H  rfstrand   Kjell Fuxe   Luigi Agnati   Isao Kitayama   Antonio Cintra   Ann-Marie Janson   Madhu Kalia   Jean-Jacques Vanderhaegen   Menek Goldstein  Lars Terenius

a Dept of Histology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

b Dept of Human Physiology, University of Modena, Modena, Italy

c Dept of Pharmacology, Thomas Jefferson, University Medical Center, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

d Lab. of Neuropathology and Neuropeptide Research, Free University of Medicine, Bruxelles, Belgium

e Dept of Psychiatry, New York University, Medical Center, N.Y., U.S.A.

f Dept of Pharmacology, Biomedical Center, Uppsala, Sweden

Abstract:(1) In the present study the occlusion method was employed to evaluate the overall coexistence of neuropeptide Y and phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase, neuropeptide Y and tyrosine hydroxylase as well as cholecystokinin and phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase immunoreactivity in nerve cell bodies of the dorsal subnuclei of the nucleus tractus solitarius of the male rat. A high degree of coexistence was established for neuropeptide Y/phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase, cholecystokinin/phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase and for tyrosine hydroxylase/neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity. (2) Sulfated [12I]cholecystokinin-8 was used as radioligand to study the densities of cholecystokinin-8 binding sites in the dorsal medulla oblongata by means of quantitative receptor autoradiography. High densities of binding sites were observed in parts of the nucleus tractus solitarius and in the area postrema. Labeling was also observed in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. (3) In the physiological studies adrenaline (0.15–1.0 nmol), neuropeptide Y (0.075–0.75 nmol) and sulfated cholecystokinin-8 (0.3–3.0 nmol) were administered alone or in combination with neuropeptide Y or adrenaline intracisternally into -chloralose anaesthetized male rats. Especially the hypotensive and bradycardic responses of adrenaline were counteracted in the adrenaline/cholecystokinin co-treated animals, whereas the cardiovascular effects of neuropeptide Y when co-administered with cholecystokinin-8 (0.3 nmol) appeared to be more resistant to the antagonistic effect of cholecystokinin 8. In addition, cholecystokinin-8 further enhanced the neuropeptide Y-induced bradynpnea and increase in the tidal volume.

The present results indicate the existence of neuropeptide Y, adrenaline and cholecystokinin-8 immunoreactivity in the same neurons of the dorsal subnuclei of the nucleus tractus solitarius. Furthermore, binding sites for cholecystokinin-8 seem to at least partly co-distribute with -2 adrenergic and neuropeptide Y binding sites in the nucleus tractus solitarius. In the functional analysis, an antagonistic interaction between cholecystokinin-8 and adrenaline as well as between cholecystokinin and neuropeptide Y is demonstrated opening up the possibility that cholecystokinin peptides act as intrinsic modulators in the putative cholecystokinin/neuropeptide Y/adrenaline synapses in the nucleus tractus solitarius.

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