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Regulation of Stem Abscission and Callus Growth in Shoot Explants of Sweet Orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]
Authors:PLUMMER, J. A.   VINE, J. H.   MULLINS, M. G.
Affiliation:*School of Crop Science, University of Sydney N.S.W. 2006, Australia
"{ddagger}"Department of Pharmacy, University of Sydney N.S.W. 2006, Australia
Abstract:Two-node explants from Sweet Orange cv. St Ives Valencia orangeshoots produced prolific callus and formed secondary abscissionzones within internodes when cultured in vitro with abscisicacid (ABA, 5 µM) or {alpha}-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, 5 µM).Benzyladenine (BA, 1 µm) induced callus but had littleeffect on abscission. Secondary abscission zone formation wasassociated with ABA-induced and auxin-induced ethylene formation.Treatment of explants with inhibitors of ethylene synthesis[aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG), Co2+, PO4] preventedformation of secondary abscission zones but had variable effectson callus formation. Newly made explants contained high concentrationsof endogenous ABA (up to 6000 ng g–1 f.wt), as measuredby GC/MS/SIM. Long-term subculture of explants (two years) inmedia containing BA (1 µm) led to a reduction in endogenousABA level (40 ng g–1 f. wt) and to loss of capacity toform extensive callus and secondary abscission zones. Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. St Ives Valencia, sweet orange, secondary abscission zones, in vitro, ethylene, endogenous ABA, endogenous IAA
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