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Ultrastructural Observations on the Larva of Loxosoma pectinaricola Franzén (Entoprocta,Loxosomatidae)
Authors:Terry Sensenbaugh
Abstract:The larva of Loxosoma pectinaricola Franzén has been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The embryo develops surrounded by an egg envelope attached to the brood chamber. The newly released larva measures about 100 μm in length and is characterized by a prominent apical organ, stalked vesicles, paired lateral sense organs and a prototroch. The apical organ consists of at least four cell types: (1, 2) two types of ciliated cells, (3) vacuolated cells and (4) myoepithelial cells. The apical organ and frontal ganglion are tightly juxtaposed in the upper tier of the episphere. The stalked vesicles each consisting of two cells are unique evaginations of the epidermis. There are about twenty stalked vesicles with a maximum diameter of about 20.0 μm. The ciliated, knob-shaped, paired lateral sense organs are situated fronto-laterally on the episphere. The prototroch is comprised of a row of contiguous prototroch cells each containing about eighteen long cilia. The apical organ, frontal ganglion and paired lateral sense organs are suggested to be sensory structures that play an important role in active locomotion, settlement site selection and metamorphosis.
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