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Insects, birds and lizards as pollinators of the largest-flowered Scrophularia of Europe and Macaronesia
Authors:Ortega-Olivencia Ana  Rodríguez-Riaño Tomás  Pérez-Bote José L  López Josefa  Mayo Carlos  Valtueña Francisco J  Navarro-Pérez Marisa
Affiliation:área de Botánica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Extremadura, Avda. de Elvas s.n., 06006-Badajoz, Spain. aortega@unex.es

Background and Aims

It has traditionally been considered that the flowers of Scrophularia are mainly pollinated by wasps. We studied the pollination system of four species which stand out for their large and showy flowers: S. sambucifolia and S. grandiflora (endemics of the western Mediterranean region), S. trifoliata (an endemic of the Tyrrhenian islands) and S. calliantha (an endemic of the Canary Islands). Our principal aim was to test whether these species were pollinated by birds or showed a mixed pollination system between insects and birds.


Censuses and captures of insects and birds were performed to obtain pollen load transported and deposited on the stigmas. Also, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the flowers and inflorescences was carried out.

Key Results

Flowers were visited by Hymenoptera and by passerine birds. The Canarian species was the most visited by birds, especially by Phylloscopus canariensis, and its flowers were also accessed by juveniles of the lizard Gallotia stehlini. The most important birds in the other three species were Sylvia melanocephala and S. atricapilla. The most important insect-functional groups in the mixed pollination system were: honey-bees and wasps in S. sambucifolia; bumble-bees and wasps in S. grandiflora; wasps in S. trifoliata; and a small bee in S. calliantha.


The species studied show a mixed pollination system between insects and passerine birds. In S. calliantha there is, in addition, a third agent (juveniles of Gallotia stehlini). The participation of birds in this mixed pollination system presents varying degrees of importance because, while in S. calliantha they are the main pollinators, in the other species they interact to complement the insects which are the main pollinators. A review of different florae showed that the large showy floral morphotypes of Scrophularia are concentrated in the western and central Mediterranean region, Macaronesia and USA (New Mexico).
Keywords:Bird-pollination   Europe   Gallotia stehlini   insect-pollination   largest-flowered Scrophularia   lizard-pollination   Macaronesia   Mediterranean region   ornithophily   Phylloscopus   Sylvia
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