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Seasonal distribution of species of the toxic dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis in Maizuru Bay (Japan), with comments on their autofluorescence and attachment of picophytoplankton
Authors:Goh Nishitani   Hikaru Sugioka  Ichiro Imai
Abstract:The seasonal distribution of the dinoflagellate genus, Dinophysis, in Maizuru Bay, Japan, was investigated from May 1997 to December 1999. Seven species of Dinophysis were detected, including the toxic species of Dinophysis acuminata and D. fortii. The most dominant species wasD. acuminata, detected year-around and more abundantly during periods when water temperatures were between 15 and 18 °C. No relationship was found between cell abundance of Dinophysis spp. and concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients. Phycoerythrin containing nano- and picophytoplankton (cryptophytes and cyanobacteria), suspected to be prey of mixotrophic Dinophysis, were enumerated simultaneously. A clear relationship was not found among the cell abundances of Dinophysis spp. and nano- and picophytoplankton. Autofluorescence of Dinophysis spp. (mainly D. acuminata and D. fortii) under blue-light excitation was usually of a yellow-orange color. Occasionally, Dinophysis spp. had red autofluorescencing and yellow-orange autofluorescencing particles. The proportion of cells possessing red autofluorescence tended to be higher in the warm season. Numerous coccoid cells of picophytoplankton (ca. 1–2 μm in diameter) were found attached to the cell surface of D. acuminata, D. fortii, etc. and food vacuole-like structures also observed. These observations suggest there is a close relationship between mixotrophic Dinophysis spp. and certain picophytoplankton. Based on our observations, the possibility that the picophytoplankton found to be attached onto Dinophysis cell surfaces are a food source for Dinophysis, and a source of DSP toxins, is discussed.
Keywords:Dinophysis spp.   Autofluorescence   Picophytoplankton   Mixotrophy
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