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Na+/H+ antiporters
Authors:T A Krulwich
Abstract:Na+/H+ antiports or exchange reactions have been found widely, if not ubiquitously, in prokaryotic and eukaryotic membranes. In any given experimental system, the multiplicity of ion conductance pathways and the absence of specific inhibitors complicate efforts to establish that the antiport observed actually results from the activity of a specific secondary porter which catalyzes coupled exchanged of the two ions. Nevertheless, a large body of evidence suggests that at least some prokaryotes possess a delta psi-dependent, mutable Na+/H+ antiporter which catalyzes Na+ extrusion in exchange for H+; in other bacterial species, the antiporter my function electroneutrally, at least at some external pH values. The bacterial Na+/H+ antiporter constitutes a critical limb of Na+ circulation, functioning to maintain a delta mu Na+ for use by Na+-coupled bioenergetic processes. The prokaryotic antiporter is also involved in pH homeostasis in the alkaline pH range. Studies of mutant strains that are deficient in Na+/H+ antiporter activity also indicate the existence of a relationship, e.g., a common subunit or regulatory factor, between the Na+/H+ antiporter and Na+/solute symporters in several bacterial species. In eukaryotes, an electroneutral, amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ antiport has been found in a wide variety of cell and tissue types. Generally, the normal direction of the antiport appears to be that of Na+ uptake and H+ extrusion. The activity is thus implicated as part of a complex system for Na+ circulation, e.g., in transepithelial transport, and might have some role in acidification in the renal proximal tubule. In many experimental systems, the Na+/H+ antiport appears to influence intracellular pH. In addition to a role in general pH homeostasis, such Na+-dependent changes in intracellular pH could be part of the early events in a variety of differentiating and proliferative systems. Reconstitution and structural studies, as well as detailed analysis of gene loci and products which affect the antiport activity, are in their very early stages. These studies will be important in further clarification of the precise structural nature and role(s) of the Na+/H+ antiporters. In neither prokaryotes nor eukaryotes systems is there yet incontrovertible evidence that a specific protein carrier, that catalyzes Na+/H+ antiport, is actually responsible for any of the multitude of effects attributed to such antiporters. The Na+-H+ exchange might turn out to be side reactions of other porters or the additive effects of several conductance pathways; or, as appears most likely in at least some bacteria and in renal tissue, the antiporter may be a discrete, complex carr
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