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Annalepis, a pioneering lycopsid genus in the recovery of the Triassic land flora in South China
Authors:Jianxin Yu  Jean Broutin  Qisheng Huang  La Grauvogel-Stamm
Institution:a Key Laboratory of Biological and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, PR China;b UMR7207, Paleobotany and Paleoecology, centre de recherche en paléoécologie et paléoenvironnements, université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - Paris 6, 43, rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France;c Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, PR China;d Université de Strasbourg, Institut de Géologie, 1, rue Blessig, 67084 Strasbourg cedex, France
Abstract:Fossil plants are scarce in the Earliest Triassic marine deposits of western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan. Only Annularia shirakii, Lobatannularia sp., Paracalamites stenocostatus, Gigantopteris sp., Pecopteris sp. were reported from the base of the Kayitou Formation dated as Early Induan by marine fauna. Recently, we discovered numerous representatives of the genus Annalepis in the same Lowermost Triassic beds: A. latiloba, Abrevicystis, Aangusta, Annalepis spp. occur associated with a basal Triassic marine fauna. This discovery fills the biostratigraphic gap between the Late Permian “Gigantonoclea guizhouensis-Ullmannia cf. bronnii-Annularia pingloensis” and the late Lower Triassic “Neuropteridium–Albertia–Voltzia” assemblages reported from South China. It represents an important datum dealing with the very beginning of a new terrestrial flora installation after the Permian flora disappearance following the Permian–Triassic boundary mass extinction. This “starting point” of a new vegetal cover in South China is to be taken into account in reconstructing through space and time the settlement process of the Mesozoic floristic provinces.
Keywords:Annalepis  Pioneering plant  Permian–  Lower Triassic  Floral recovery  South ChinaMots clé  s: Annalepis  Genre pionnier  Permien–  Trias infé  rieur  Reconquê  te floristique  Chine du Sud
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