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Naturally low carbonic anhydrase activity in C4 and C3 plants limits discrimination against C18OO during photosynthesis
Authors:J S Gillon &  D Yakir
Institution:Department of Environmental Science and Energy Research, Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100 Rehovot, Israel
Abstract:The 18O content of CO2 is a powerful tracer of photosynthetic activity at the ecosystem and global scale. Due to oxygen exchange between CO2 and 18O-enriched leaf water and retrodiffusion of most of this CO2 back to the atmosphere, leaves effectively discriminate against 18O during photosynthesis. Discrimination against 18O ( Δ 18O) is expected to be lower in C4 plants because of low ci and hence low retrodiffusing CO2 flux. C4 plants also generally show lower levels of carbonic anhydrase (CA) activities than C3 plants. Low CA may limit the extent of 18O exchange and further reduce Δ 18O. We investigated CO2–H2O isotopic equilibrium in plants with naturally low CA activity, including two C4 (Zea mays, Sorghum bicolor) and one C3 (Phragmites australis) species. The results confirmed experimentally the occurrence of low Δ 18O in C4, as well as in some C3, plants. Variations in CA activity and in the extent of CO2–H2O isotopic equilibrium ( θ eq) estimated from on-line measurements of Δ 18O showed large range of 0–100% isotopic equilibrium ( θ eq = 0–1). This was consistent with direct estimates based on assays of CA activity and measurements of CO2 concentrations and residence times in the leaves. The results demonstrate the potential usefulness of Δ 18O as indicator of CA activity in vivo. Sensitivity tests indicated also that the impact of θ eq < 1 (incomplete isotopic equilibrium) on 18O of atmospheric CO2 can be similar for C3 and C4 plants and in both cases it increases with natural enrichment of 18O in leaf water.
Keywords:Carbonic anhydrase  C3  C4  CO2–exchange        isotopic equilibrium  leaf water  oxygen-18 discrimination
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