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Dormancy and Impotency of Cocklebur Seeds. IX. Changes in ACC-Ethylene Conversion Activity and ACC Content of Dormant and Nondormant Seeds during Soaking
Abstract:Differences in ethylene production between dormant (D) and nondormant(ND) lower seeds of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.)were studied with respect to changes in the activity of conversionof 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) to ethylene andin the contents of ACC and malonyl-ACC in their axial-tissuesduring soaking. Superior ethylene production in ND seeds ascompared to D seeds became evident during a soaking period rangingfrom 12–24 h, when the radicle protrusion in ND seedshad not yet occurred. Ethylene production in ND seeds increasedabruptly after the radicle protrusion. The inhibitors of ethyleneproduction, aminoethoxyvinyglycine, cobaltous ion and {alpha}-aminoisobutyricacid, inhibited the germination of ND seeds, whereas ACC enabledD seeds to germinate. Activity of ACC-ethylene conversion was absent in dry axialtissues and developed with soaking. After 24 h, this activityin ND axes was superior to that in D axes. Under hypoxia, however,the difference in the ACC-conversion activity appeared before24 h. On the other hand, the contents of ACC in both D and NDaxes remained almost unchanged until 24 h of soaking. It isthus suggested that the inferior ethylene production in D seedsis associated mainly with their low activity of ACC-ethyleneconversion, though partly with their low activity of ACC supply. Activity of ACC-ethylene conversion in the axes of ND seedsincreased sharply after radicle protrusion which occurred after24 h of soaking. Correspondingly, the contents of both ACC andmalonyl-ACC increased in the axes of germinated ND seeds. Theseimply that the high ethylene production in the ND seeds in thepost-germination period comes from the increasing activitiesof ACC supply as well as ACC-ethylene conversion in their axes. Key words: Cocklebur seeds, Dormancy, Ethylene production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, Germination, Xanthium
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