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Photosynthetic Nitrogen Metabolism in High and Low CO2-adapted Scenedesmus: II. EFFECT OF AMMONIUM AND METHIONINE SULPHOXIMINE ON NITRATE UTILIZATION
Abstract:Larsson, C.-M., Larsson, M. and Guerrero, M. G. 1985. Photosyntheticnitrogen metabolism in high and low CO2-adapted Scenedesmus.II. Effect of ammonium and methionine sulphoximine on nitrateutilization.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1387–1395 In 3% CO2-grown Scenedesmus obtusiusculus Chod. utilizing NO3–J as the N source, NH4+ addition caused a prompt inhibitionof NO3– utilization. Nitrate reductase (NR) activity declinedrapidly in response to the presence of NO4+, but the cessationof NO3– utilization was too rapid to be accounted forby the loss in NR activity. The first site of NO4+ inhibitionin these cells seems to be the entrance of NO3– into thecells. Upon exhaustion of NO4+ from the medium, NO3– utilizationwas rapidly restored and NR activity increased. Air-grown cellswere much less sensitive to the effect of NO4+, more than 30min being required for added NO4+ to cause complete inhibitionof NO3– utilization. In these cells, NO3– uptakeand NR activity decreased in parallel in response to NO4+ addition.In 3% CO2-grown cells simultaneously subjected to NO4+ and air-levelof CO2, NO4+ initially inhibited NO3– utilization completely,but a slight recovery took place after approximately 20 min The glutamine synthetase (GS) inhibitor L-methionine D, L-sulphoximine(MSO) behaved as a potent inhibitor of NO3– uptake in3% CO2-grown cells, but had considerably less effect in air-growncells, although the time-course of the MSO-induced inhibitionof GS was the same in both cases Key words: Ammonium, nitrate utilization, Scenedesmus
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