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Morphogenesis of the freshwater ciliate Neokeronopsis spectabilis (Kahl 1932) Warren et al., 2002, based on a China population (Ciliophora: Urostylidae)
Authors:Wang Ruiqing  Qiu Zijian  Chen Jing  Warren Alan  Song Weibo
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, China.
Abstract:The morphogenesis of the stichotrichous ciliate, Neokeronopsis spectabilis, collected from a freshwater pond near Harbin, north China, was observed following protargol impregnation. The overall morphogenetic events are characterized by: (1) the new oral primordium originates in association with the transverse cirri; (2) the proter's undulating membrane anlage is formed following the dedifferentiation of the parental endoral and paroral membranes, while the old adoral zone of membranelles is retained; (3) the fronto-ventral-transverse cirral anlagen originate independently on the right of the proter's undulating membrane anlage; (4) the left and right marginal cirri are derived from new anlagen that originate within the old marginal rows; (5) the generation of the dorsal kineties is of the "two-group-mode" with fragmentation and hence an oxytrichid pattern; and (6) similar to that in oxytrichids, the caudal cirri are formed at the posterior ends of the rightmost and two leftmost kineties of the group 1. Some new morphological data for N. spectabilis are also presented and the systematic position of the genus Neokeronopsis is briefly discussed. We conclude that its position among the urostylids is peripheral and that it very likely represents an intermediate form between the oxytrichids and urostylids.
Keywords:Infraciliature  morphogenesis  silverstain  stichotrich  stomatogenesis
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