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Estimation of coancestry in Iberian pigs using molecular markers
Authors:Miguel Toro  Carmen Barragán  Cristina Óvilo  Jaime Rodrigañez  Carmen Rodriguez  Luis Silió
Affiliation:(1) Departamento de Mejora Genética Animal, INIA, Carretera La Coruña km. 7, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Abstract:Genetic markers provide a useful tool toestimate pairwise coancestry betweenindividuals in the absence of a known pedigree. Inthe present work 62 pigs from two relatedstrains of Iberian breed, Guadyerbas andTorbiscal, belonging to a conservationprogramme with completely known pedigrees since1945, have been genotyped for 49microsatellites. Four coefficients thatsummarise molecular resemblance betweenindividuals together with eightestimators of coancestry have been calculatedfrom this information. Their values werecompared with the genealogical coancestry,calculated from the complete or partialpedigree. The eight estimations obtained usingmolecular information substantiallyunderestimate the coancestry calculated usingthe genealogical analysis. The correlationbetween the estimates and the genealogicalvalues was also calculated. This correlationwas high, between 0.78 and 0.93 for differentestimators, when all pairwise comparisons amongthe 62 animals were considered. However, thecorrelation decreases remarkably to 0.49–0.69and 0.37–0.47 for the Guadyerbas and Torbiscalpopulations respectively, when they wereanalysed separately. All the correlations weresimilar to those obtained when using simplecoefficients of molecular resemblance such asmolecular coancestry or similarity indexes.Finally, simulations were carried out tofurther explore the results obtained. It isconcluded that lack of information on theallele frequencies in the base population mayexplain the bias of these estimators inpopulations with complex pedigrees.
Keywords:coancestry  Iberian pig  microsatellites
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