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Complementarity among otter trawl,cast net,and encircling gill net improves the characterization of a subtropical subtidal fish assemblage
Authors:Riguel Feltrin Contente  Carmen Lucia del Bianco Rossi‐Wongtschowski
Abstract:We investigated the combined use of cast net (CN), otter trawl (OT), and encircling gill net (EG) to characterize the richness, composition, and abundance of species and functional groups of the subtidal fish assemblage in a subtropical shallow ecosystem in Brazil. Our hypothesis, that this combination would improve faunal characterization, was supported. The CN best sampled small pelagic planktivores (e.g., juvenile sardines) and detritivores (e.g., juvenile mullets); OT, small and large demersal benthivores (e.g., mojarras and croakers); and EG, large fast‐swimming species, such as piscivores (e.g., snooks and weakfishes) and large detritivores (adult mullets). The mean and total richness were best sampled with the OT. The most accurate richness estimate using non‐parametric estimators was reached by combining all three types of gear. Our findings emphasize that the careful sampling gear selection and the use of multiple gears are indispensable for solid characterizations of coastal fish fauna, and consequently, for the success of monitoring and research programs.
Keywords:fish‐sampling protocols  monitoring  neotropical fish fauna  port expansion
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