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eEF2K Activity Determines Synergy to Cotreatment of Cancer Cells With PI3K and MEK Inhibitors
Authors:Maruan Hijazi  Pedro Casado  Nosheen Akhtar  Saul Alvarez-Teijeiro  Vinothini Rajeeve  Pedro R. Cutillas
Affiliation:1. Signalling & Proteomics Group, Centre for Genomics and Computational Biology, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom;2. The Alan Turing Institute, British Library, London, United Kingdom
Abstract:PI3K-mammalian target of rapamycin and MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) are the most frequently dysregulated signaling pathways in cancer. A problem that limits the success of therapies that target individual PI3K-MAPK members is that these pathways converge to regulate downstream functions and often compensate each other, leading to drug resistance and transient responses to therapy. In order to overcome resistance, therapies based on cotreatments with PI3K/AKT and MEK/MAPK inhibitors are now being investigated in clinical trials, but the mechanisms of sensitivity to cotreatment are not fully understood. Using LC-MS/MS-based phosphoproteomics, we found that eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase (eEF2K), a key convergence point downstream of MAPK and PI3K pathways, mediates synergism to cotreatment with trametinib plus pictilisib (which target MEK1/2 and PI3Kα/δ, respectively). Inhibition of eEF2K by siRNA or with a small molecule inhibitor reversed the antiproliferative effects of the cotreatment with PI3K plus MEK inhibitors in a cell model–specific manner. Systematic analysis in 12 acute myeloid leukemia cell lines revealed that eEF2K activity was increased in cells for which PI3K plus MEKi cotreatment is synergistic, while PKC potentially mediated resistance to such cotreatment. Together, our study uncovers eEF2K activity as a key mediator of responses to PI3Ki plus MEKi and as a potential biomarker to predict synergy to cotreatment in cancer cells.
Keywords:phosphoproteomics  kinase activity  eEF2K  cancer  AML  biomarkers  synergy  combination therapy  4EBP1"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0055"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1  ACN"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0065"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  acetonitrile  AML"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0075"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  acute myeloid leukemia  CDI"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0085"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  coefficient of drug interaction  DMSO"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0095"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  dimethyl sulfoxide  eEF2"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0105"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  eukaryotic elongation factor 2  eEF2K"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0115"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase  ERK"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0125"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  extracellular signal-related kinase  FBS"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0135"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  fetal bovine serum  FDA"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0145"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Food and Drug Administration  HEL"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0155"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  human erythroleukemia  IRS1"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0165"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  insulin receptor substrate 1  JNK1"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0175"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1  LDS"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0185"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  lithium dodecyl sulfate  MCF7"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0195"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Michigan Cancer Foundation-7  MEK"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0205"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  MAPK/ERK kinase  MAPK"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0215"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  mitogen-activated protein kinase  MOPS"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0225"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  3-(N-morpholino) propanesulfonic acid  MS/MS"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0235"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  tandem mass spectrometry  mTOR"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0245"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  mammalian target of rapamycin  NaF"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0255"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  sodium fluoride  PRAS40"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0265"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  proline-rich AKT1 substrate 1  RIPA"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0275"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  radioimmunoprecipitation assay  THP-1"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0285"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Tohoku Hospital Pediatrics-1  TiO2"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0295"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  titanium dioxide  XIC"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0305"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  extracted ion chromatogram
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