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Age, growth, maturity, mortality, and yield-per-recruit for annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis L.) from the eastern middle Adriatic Sea
Authors:S. Mati&#  -Skoko,M. Kraljevi&#  ,J. Dul&#  i&#  , I. Jardas
Affiliation:Department of Coastal Fisheries and Ichthyology, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia
Abstract:The population dynamics parameters of Diplodus annularis from the eastern middle Adriatic Sea were studied. Total lengths of 1704 specimens ranging from 3.3 to 23.0 cm were obtained from commercial and fishery‐independent catches (2000–2002). The species spawns from April through the end of August, with a peak in May. Overall male to female ratio was 1.00 : 1.05. The species is a rudimentary hermaphrodite in the Adriatic Sea. Total lengths (TL) at 50% maturity were 9.0 cm for males and 10.0 cm for females. These estimated sizes were smaller than the minimum legal landing size (MLS = 15 cm) and greater than the actual minimum landing size (Lc = 7.1 cm) for the bottom trawl net. All specimens sampled were fully mature above 13 cm TL. The oldest individual was 13 years old. Length–weight relationship showed close to isometric growth (b = 3.073). Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L = 23.95 cm; K = 0.126 per year; t0 = −1.664 year; r2 = 0.896. The low value of total mortality (Z = 0.72) was a consequence of the relatively low rate of natural mortality (M = 0.39) and fishing mortality (F = 0.33). The exploitation ratio was E = 0.46. Estimated parameters and the relative yield‐per‐recruit analysis did not indicate any overexploitation of the species in the study area. However, the estimates include uncertainties and require further confirmation, especially of the natural mortality.
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