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Remediation of ecosystems damaged by environmental contamination: Applications of ecological engineering and ecosystem restoration in Central and Eastern Europe
Authors:W.J Mitsch,Ü   Mander
Affiliation:aSchool of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 43210, USA;bDepartment of Geography, University of Tartu, EE-2400 Tartu, Estonia
Abstract:To investigate the applicability of ecological engineering to pollution problems prevalent in present-day Central and Eastern Europe, a SCOPE-UNEP sponsored workshop was held in Estonia in November 1995. The workshop was undertaken specifically to obtain information from and to train planners, managers and scientists in the region. These ‘countries in transition' face, in many respects, unique environmental problems as a result of their recent domination by a centralized planning government system. Twenty workshop findings that resulted from workshop presentations and subsequent discussion are presented. Six papers published as part of this special issue of Ecological Engineering, and summarized here, deal with the general principles of mineland restoration, acidification effects and mitigation in Poland, reestablishment of riparian buffer strips in Estonia, recovery of forests in the Black Triangle of Czechoslovakia and Poland, restoration after 10 years near the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident in the Ukraine, and studies on remediation of contaminated soils in Belarus.
Keywords:Ecosystem restoration   Ecology workshop   Chernobyl   Acidification   Forest decline   Central and Eastern Europe   Riparian buffer strips   Ecological engineering
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