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Sex, drugs and mating role: testosterone-induced phenotype-switching in Galapagos marine iguanas
Authors:Wikelski  Martin; Steiger  Silke S; Gall  Bernhard; Nelson  Karin N
Institution:a Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Guyot Hall 303, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA, b Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology, Von der Tannstrasse 7 D-82346 Andechs, Germany, c Föhrenweg 1, D-86926 Greifenberg, Germany, d Department of Animal Biology, 515 Morrill Hall, 505 South Goodwin Avenue, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Abstract:Males of many vertebrate species have flexible reproductivephenotypes and must decide before each mating season whetherto adopt sneaker, satellite, or territorial mating tactics.How do males gauge their abilities against others in the population?We tested experimentally whether hormone–behavior feedbackloops allow Galapagos marine iguana males to activate theirthree behavioral phenotypes as predicted by the relative plasticityhypothesis. Territorial males defended small mating areas andhad significantly higher plasma testosterone (T) levels (75± 11 ng/ml) than did satellite males that roamed aroundterritories (64 ± 8 ng/ml) or sneaker males that behavedlike females within territories (43 ± 11ng/ml). In territorialmales, temporary pharmacological blockade of T slowed head-bobpatrolling, decreased territory size threefold, and reducedthe number of females on territories 20-fold. This supportsprevious data that females may gauge male attractiveness byusing head-bob patrolling, here shown to be a T-dependent trait.Control-treated neighbors reacted to the weakening of T-blockedmales by increasing head-bob rate fivefold and territory size1.6-fold, and female numbers increased 2.5-fold. Unmanipulatedor control-injected males remained unchanged. Behavioral effectswere partly reversed after 7 days. T injections induced satellitemales to establish temporary territories, even at unconventionallocations. Some T-boosted satellite males suffered serious fightinginjuries. T-injected sneakers left female clusters and behavedlike larger satellite males that roam around territories. Thus,territorial and mating tactics are activated by T, but experimental(de-) activation at the wrong ontogenetic stage is costly: manipulatedmales switched phenotype but thereby lowered their access tofemales. We hypothesize that T levels of males that are basedon early-season behavioral interactions influence a males' subsequentphenotypic role.
Keywords:activation-organization of phenotypes  mating strategies  relative plasticity hypothesis  testosterone  
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