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Het toepassen van valpreventiemaatregelen bij thuiswonende ouderen: een survey onderzoek in Vlaanderen
Authors:Greet Leysens  Ellen Vlaeyen  Deborah Vanaken  Elise Janssens  Eddy Dejaeger  Dirk Cambier  Evelien Gielen  Stefan Goemaere  Olivia Vandeput  Koen Milisen
Affiliation:1.Expertisecentrum Val- en fractuurpreventie Vlaanderen,Leuven,Belgi?;2.Departement Maatschappelijke Gezondheidszorg en Eerstelijnszorg, Academisch Centrum voor Verpleeg- en Vroedkunde (accentVV),KU Leuven,Leuven,Belgi?;3.Dienst Geriatrie,UZ Leuven,Leuven,Belgi?;4.Vakgroep Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie,UGent,Gent,Belgi?;5.Vakgroep Inwendige ziekten,UZ Gent,Gent,Belgi?;6.Domus Medica vzw,Antwerpen,Belgi?


Falls in community-dwelling older persons occur frequently. The consequences emphasize the need to screen systematically for an increased fall risk and a targeted multifactorial and multidisciplinary approach. This study describes the extent to which fall prevention strategies are applied by primary healthcare workers in Flanders. Insight in barriers is provided.


An online survey was collected by the Centre of Expertise for Falls and fracture Prevention Flanders.


1483 respondents are included. 93% are confronted monthly with falls. 96% believe they can make a positive contribution to fall prevention. At least once a year, respondents inquire about falls (62%) and screen for gait/balance problems (84%). A multifactorial assessment is performed in case of a recent fall (95%) or an increased fall risk (76%). Most frequently respondents give advice on safe environment/behaviour (93%), walking aid (91%), personal alarm system (89%) and footwear (85%). Unmotivated older persons (75%) who ignore their fall risk (85%), insufficient time (60%), financial compensation (54%), staff (50%), communication (31%) and knowledge (23%) are important barriers.


Although respondents are aware of the importance of fall prevention, these results reveal a necessity of sufficient knowledge, structured multidisciplinary cooperation and a clear policy. Raising awareness of older persons remains crucial.
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