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Microbial communities in oligotrophic Lake Toya,Japan
Authors:A. Nakano  S. Ban
Affiliation:(1) Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Japan, JP
Abstract: The vertical distributions of planktonic bacteria, chroococcoid cyanobacteria, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) were examined in Lake Toya, an oligotrophic lake located in Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan, at monthly intervals from May 1993 to May 1994. The abundances of bacteria, cyanobacteria, and HNF during the study period ranged from 104 to 105,102 to 104, 10 to 102 cells ml−1, respectively. The range of bacterial abundances was among the lowest previously reported from other oligotrophic lakes. The vertical distributions of both bacteria and cyanobacteria were influenced by thermal stratification: they were homogeneous throughout the water column during the circulation period (January to April) and heterogeneous during the period of stratification (June to November). During the period of stratification, the cyanobacterial abundance decreased toward the surface in the euphotic zone while the frequency of diving cells (FDC) increased, suggesting that grazing pressure was high near the surface. This hypothesis was supported by the relatively high abundance of HNF at the surface and the negative correlation between HNF and cyanobacterial abundances in the euphotic zone (r = −0.503, n = 33, P < 0.05). On the other hand, multiple regression analysis revealed that 52% of the variation in bacterial abundance in the stratified period can be explained by chlorophyll a concentration, water temperature, and HNF abundance (df = 3, 45; F = 16.2; P < 0.01), suggesting that both substrate limitation and grazing loss by HNF were important factors controlling bacterial abundance in the lake. Received: June 21, 2002 / Accepted: October 16, 2002 Present address: 5-2-2-18-805 Kikusui-motomachi, Shiroishi, Sapporo 003-0825, Japan Present address: School of Environmental Science, University of Shiga Prefecture, 2500 Hassaka-cho, Hikone 522-8533, Japan Tel. +81-749-28-8307; Fax +81-749-28-8463 e-mail: ban@ses.usp.ac.jp Acknowledgments We thank Dr. H. Ueda for encouraging this study and Mr. Haruna and the members of the Plankton Laboratory, Hokkaido University, for their help in sampling. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their critical comments. Correspondence to:S. Ban
Keywords:  Bacteria  Chroococcoid cyanobacteria  HNF  Vertical distribution  Lake Toya
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