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Effects of soil mechanical impedance on root and shoot growth of Lolium perenne L., Agrostis capillaris and Trifolium repens L.
Authors:Cook, Amanda   Marriott, C.A.   Seel, W.   Mullins, C.E.
Abstract:A method was used for applying a uniform mechanical impedanceto plant roots using sand packed at different bulk densitieswith depth within each growth cylinder. In a growth experiment,replicate cylinders were packed with sand to give the followingmechanical impedances: 0.25 MPa penetration resistance (negligibleimpedance), 1.40 MPa (moderate impedance) and 2.30 MPa (severeimpedance). Seedlings of Lolium perenne L., Trifolium repensL. and Agrostis capillaris were grown for 23 d in each impedancetreatment and effects on both roots and shoots were studied.Severe mechanical impedance affected both root and shoot growthrates for all three species resulting in smaller leaves andshorter roots. For the grasses, the root-to-shoot ratio at harvestwas the same for all the treatments, but a delay in the initiationof both shoots and roots was observed in the severe mechanicalimpedance treatment. The results are discussed in relation tothe possibility that roots penetrating the impeding treatmentsmay have caused signalling that kept shoot and root growth insynchrony. Differences observed in the response to mechanicalimpedance of T. repens compared to the other two species maybe a function of differences in the physiology between mono-and dicotyledonous species. Key words: Mechanical impedance, Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens, roots, shoots
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