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Scent-marking by male mice under the risk of predation
Authors:Roberts, S. C.   Gosling, L. M.   Thornton, E. A.   McClung, J.
Affiliation:a Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London NW1 4RY, UK b Department of Psychology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK c Evolution and Behavior Research Group, Dept of Psychology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 7RU, UK
Abstract:The use by predators of scent marks made by potential prey isa largely unexplored potential cost of olfactory signaling.Here we investigate how animals that differ in their investmentin scent-marking respond to simulated predation risk, by comparingthe willingness to approach and counter-mark the scent marksof a competitor in the presence or absence of predator odor.We aimed to test whether animals that invest heavily in scent-marking,and which may thus be more vulnerable to eavesdropping predators,will either (1) take greater risks to counter-mark the competitor'sscent or (2) reduce or abandon scent-marking. Using outbredmale laboratory mice, Mus musculus, we show that, in the absenceof predators, individuals which initially scent-mark at highfrequency (high markers) approach the competitor's scent marksmore quickly and spend more time in counter-marking than thosewhich initially invest relatively little (low markers). Ina sib-sib experimental design, simulated presence of predationrisk (urine of ferrets, Mustela putorius furo) caused bothkinds of individual to approach the competitor's marks moreslowly, but high markers approached more quickly than low markersand spent more time in the vicinity of the competitor's marks.Only high markers significantly reduced their overmarking ofthe competitor's scent. These results suggest (1) that thereis a unique danger inherent to scent-marking at high frequenciesand (2) that high-marking males were prepared to accept increasedcosts of intrasexual competition in order to reduce the riskof predation. Further tests using the scent of naked mole-rats,Heterocephalus glaber, showed that these effects were not elicitedsimply by an unfamiliar odor. We discuss reasons for the observeddifference in response to predation risk between the groups,and the implications of these results for counter-selectionon scent-marking strategies.
Keywords:mouse   olfaction   signal cost   status signals.
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