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Origin of mono- and binucleate cells with heterochromatic chromosomes in the malpighian tubules of the european elm scale,Gossyparia spuria (Coccoidea: Homoptera)
Authors:Uzi Nur
Abstract:Males of the European elm scale, Gossyparia spuria (Erioccoccidae) have two Malphigian tubules, each made up of mononucleate and binucleate cells. Both types of cells may contain heterochromatic (H) chromosomes which form an H body. The cells with H bodies (H cells) usually appeared singly anywhere along the tubule. However, when two or more H cells were present they tended to be closer to each other than would be expected by chance. The possible origin of this tendency is discussed. Following squashing, the nuclei of the binucleate cells were much larger than those of most other somatic cells, suggesting that they were highly endopolyploid. However, the H bodies of the cells of the tubules were of about the same size as those of the other cells. These observations suggested that the H chromosomes of the binucleate cells did not replicate while the euchromatic chromosomes of these cells replicated several times. The great majority of the nuclei of the H cells contained a single H body per nucleus. An analysis of the number of H bodies in binucleate cells indicated that when two H bodies were present in the same nucleus they usually did not fuse. Thus, they were believed also not to fuse in the mononucleate cells. Since almost all the mononucleate H cells had only a single H body (rather than 2) it was concluded that they did not originate from binucleate cells by nuclear fusion.
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