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Efficacy of triazoles and strobilurins in controlling black spot disease of roses caused by Diplocarpon rosae
Authors:E.W. Gachomo,H.-W. Dehne,&   U. Steiner
Affiliation:Institute of Crop Science and Resource Management, Division Plant Protection, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn, Germany;
Department of Biology, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, USA
Abstract:Black spot disease is an important disease of roses with worldwide occurrence. It is caused by Diplocarpon rosae , an ascomycetous fungus and its control relies on fungicides. The effects of strobilurins and triazoles on D. rosae development within the host and on disease symptoms have not been well studied. Strobilurins completely inhibited germination of conidia when applied protectively 1 week before inoculation or on the same day with the inoculum. They were, however, not effective in eradicating the disease when applied after the fungus was established in the host. Triazoles reduced the germination rate of the conidia when applied protectively and they inhibited disease symptom development when applied after the fungus was established in the host but before symptom expression. Application of triazoles after symptom development suppressed further development of the disease, but in the case of treatment with myclobutanil yellowing and defoliation still occurred. Post-infection application of triazoles led to the apparent breakdown of subcuticular mycelia, intercellular mycelia, and hyphae in the epidermal cells, while the effects of strobilurins were limited to the subcuticular mycelia. Triazoles were more effective than strobilurins because they are more systemic.
Keywords:Marssonina rosae    myclobutanil    pyraclostrobin    tebuconazole    trifloxystrobin
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