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Joint field experiments for comparisons of measuring methods of photosynthetic production
Authors:Sakamoto  Mitsuru; Tilzer  Max M; Gchter  Rene; Rai  Hakumat; Collos  Yves; Tschumi  Pierre; Berner  P; Zbaren  J; Dokulil  Martin; Bossard  Peter; Uehlinger  Urs; Nusch  Ernst A
Institution:1Water Research Institute, Nagoya University Nagoya 464, Japan 2Lim-nological Institute, University of Konstanz D-7750, Konstanz, FRG 3Swiss Federal Institute for Water Resources and Water Pollution Control CH-6047 Kastanienbaum, Switzerland 4Max-Planck-Institute for Limnology 232 Pln, FRG 5Station Marine d'Endoume, Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Campus de Luminy Case 902, 13288 Marseille, C9, France 6Department of Zoology, University of Bern CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland 7Institute for Limnology Gaisberg 116, A-5310 Mondsee, Austria 8Chemical and Biological Laboratory Ruhrverband, 4300 Essen 1, FRG.
Abstract:During the 1st GAP Workshop at Konstanz in April 1982 comparativemeasurements of phytoplankton primary production by severaltechniques were conducted simultaneously at an offshore stationin Lake Konstanz and an experimental algal pond. Suspended glassbottle exposure techniques using 14C and 13C uptake gave Pz(mg C m–3 h–1) values which varied considerablynear-surface, but estimates of areal rates for the euphoticzone {Sigma}Pcu(mg C m–3 h–1) which were reasonably close.In the lake, {Sigma}Pz, from a vertical tube exposure (with 14C uptake)was greater than rates derived for integrated bottle samples.The oxygen bottle method permitted a good estimate of compensationdepth, corresponding to in situ growth studies. There were difficultiesin direct comparison between O2 and carbon methods. Correlationbetween them for Pz was good in the lake but poor in the pond,both for suspended bottle and vertical tube methods. This seriesdemonstrates that despite reasonable overall estimates, comparativelyminor methodological differences in experimental technique cancause large variation. + Coordinator of the group for comparative measurements of photosyntheticproduction at the GAP Workshop, Konstanz, April 1982. *This paper is the result of a study made at the Group for AquaticPrimary Productivity (GAP) First International Workshop heldat the Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz, in April1982.
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