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Salivary gland branching morphogenesis: a quantitative systems analysis of the Eda/Edar/NFκB paradigm
Authors:Michael Melnick  Robert D Phair  Smadar A Lapidot  Tina Jaskoll
Institution:(1) Laboratory for Developmental Genetics, USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA;(2) Integrative Bioinformatics Inc, Los Angeles, CA, USA


Ectodysplasin-A appears to be a critical component of branching morphogenesis. Mutations in mouse Eda or human EDA are associated with absent or hypoplastic sweat glands, sebaceous glands, lacrimal glands, salivary glands (SMGs), mammary glands and/or nipples, and mucous glands of the bronchial, esophageal and colonic mucosa. In this study, we utilized Eda Ta (Tabby) mutant mice to investigate how a marked reduction in functional Eda propagates with time through a defined genetic subcircuit and to test the proposition that canonical NFκB signaling is sufficient to account for the differential expression of developmentally regulated genes in the context of Eda polymorphism.
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