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引用本文:孙德鑫,刘向,周淑荣. 停止人为去除植物功能群后的高寒草甸多样性恢复过程与群落构建[J]. 生物多样性, 2018, 26(7): 655-1265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018060
作者姓名:孙德鑫  刘向  周淑荣
作者单位:复旦大学生物多样性与生态工程教育部重点实验室, 上海 200438
摘    要:已有大量研究利用功能性状或系统发育来推断群落构建机制, 然而不同过程可能会导致相似的格局。本文基于对甘南高寒草甸植物功能群去除处理后群落恢复过程的跟踪调查, 对比了物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性的动态变化, 并分析了物种定殖与消失过程对功能多样性和系统发育多样性变化的影响。结果表明: 去除不同数量功能群的群落中: (1)包括物种丰富度(SR)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H°)和Simpson指数(D)在内的传统物种多样性均随时间快速上升并与自然群落趋同, 不同群落的均匀度指数(J)随时间呈增加趋势并趋于相似; 功能多样性(FD)与系统发育多样性(PD)呈现出与物种多样性相似的动态变化趋势, 而平均配对距离(MPD/MPDa、MFD/MFDa)则向中等程度聚集。(2)不同群落的功能群和物种组成在短期内均恢复到与自然群落非常相似的程度。(3)物种定殖与消失过程的功能格局是群落恢复过程中趋同效应的主要驱动力。本研究揭示了高寒草甸植物功能群去除停止后群落短期内快速恢复的过程, 说明在小尺度且周边具有大范围未退化草甸的情况下, 无论物种多样性、功能多样性还是系统发育多样性都具有较快的恢复能力, 同时说明了利用群落系统发育多样性格局来推断群落构建机制的局限性。

关 键 词:功能多样性  系统发育多样性  物种多样性  恢复  高寒草甸  

Dynamical changes of diversity and community assembly during recovery from a plant functional group removal experiment in the alpine meadow
Dexin Sun,Xiang Liu,Shurong Zhou. Dynamical changes of diversity and community assembly during recovery from a plant functional group removal experiment in the alpine meadow[J]. Biodiversity Science, 2018, 26(7): 655-1265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018060
Authors:Dexin Sun  Xiang Liu  Shurong Zhou
Affiliation:Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, Fundan University, Shanghai 200438
Abstract:Recently, numerous studies have used functional trait or phylogeny to infer the mechanisms of community assembly. However, different processes may lead to similar patterns of diversity. In an alpine meadow plant community in Gannan, we compared the dynamical changes in species diversity, functional diversity and phylogenetic diversity with experimental removal of plant functional groups. We assessed how colonization and extinction affected diversity dynamics after removing functional groups. We found that for communities receiving removals of different number of functional groups, species richness (SR), Shannon-Wiener index (H°), Simpson index (D), and evenness index (J) rapidly converged to the levels for natural communities. Moreover, functional diversity (FD) and phylogenetic diversity (PD) showed the similar trends as species diversity, while the mean pairwise distances (MPD/MPDa and MFD/MFDa) converged to medium levels. Next, species and functional group compositions recovered to the levels of natural communities within a short period. Finally, we found that functional patterns of species colonization and extinction was the main driver of the community recovery. This study indicates that the diversity of species, functions, and phylogeny of plant communities in alpine meadows can recover quickly from functional group removal at small scales when close to natural alpine meadows.
Keywords:functional diversity  phylogenetic diversity  species diversity  recovery  alpine meadow  
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