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引用本文:张征恺,黄甘霖. 中国城市鸟类学研究进展[J]. 生态学报, 2018, 38(10): 3357-3367
作者姓名:张征恺  黄甘霖
摘    要:我国的城市鸟类学起步于20世纪80年代,随着城市化过程的加速,城市鸟类学也有了较快发展。为了全面系统地了解中国城市鸟类学研究的历史、现状与发展趋势,在中国期刊全文数据库中以"城市"和"鸟类"为主题词检索了1950—2015年间发表的文章,筛选获得128篇文章,并对检索结果进行综述。结果显示,城市鸟类学发表文章数量自20世纪80年代起逐渐增加,由1981—1990的年均0.7篇跃升至2011—2015年的年均11.6篇。研究地涉及全国29个省级行政区的57个城市。研究的主要议题包括:城市鸟类的群落结构和分布、影响城市鸟类的主要环境因素和城市鸟类的保护实践。综述发现,不同城市环带位置,城市中不同生境组合会影响城市的鸟类群落结构;不同尺度上的环境因素会对鸟类的分布、繁殖、觅食和生理情况产生多种影响,而城市化是影响这些环境因素的主要驱动力;鸟类栖息地规划以保护城市中自然栖息地,增加其景观连通性促进鸟类保护,鸟类招引技术主要通过补充巢资源和食物资源促进鸟类保护。然而,由于资源限制,有关城市鸟类的长期研究相对较少。并且,已有研究中城市鸟类的生态系统服务也鲜有涉及。为此,对我国城市鸟类学的发展提出了三点展望,城市鸟类学研究应加强城市绿地鸟类招引措施的生态影响研究,进一步发掘城市鸟类的自然体验与环境教育价值,并促进民间爱好者参与长期系统性城市鸟类学调查。

关 键 词:鸟类学  城市  中国  研究进展

Urban ornithological research in China: A review
ZHANG Zhengkai and HUANG Ganlin. Urban ornithological research in China: A review[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2018, 38(10): 3357-3367
Authors:ZHANG Zhengkai and HUANG Ganlin
Affiliation:Center for Human-Environment System Sustainability(CHESS), State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology(ESPRE), Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;School of Natural Resources, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China and Center for Human-Environment System Sustainability(CHESS), State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology(ESPRE), Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;School of Natural Resources, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Abstract:In China, urban ornithological research started as early as the 1980s and developed rapidly with the fast urbanization process. In order to better understand the history and recent trends of urban ornithological research in China, we conducted a systematic review. We used the key words of "urban" and "birds" to search for scientific articles published during 1950-2015 in the "China National Knowledge Infrastructure" database and retrieved 128 articles. Based on our review, we summarized the history and recent trends in publication, main research topics and major findings in urban ornithology studies. The urban ornithology publications increased from an annual average of 0.7 ariticle during 1981-1990 to 11.6 articles during 2011-2015. The research areas include 57 cities located in 29 provinces. The topic of urban ornithology studies includes research of urban avian community structure and distribution, effect of environment factors on urban birds, and practices of urban avian conservation. Major findings include:(1) the urban-rural gradient and different habitat groups would affect avian community structure;(2) environmental factors at different scales had a variety of effects on distribution, breeding, feeding, and physiological conditions of urban birds; and(3) habitat conservation in urban areas and bird attracting measurements, such as setting feeders, contributed to urban avian conservation. However, limited by resources long-term study on urban avian is rare. In addition, very few of studies examined the ecosystem services provided by avian fauna in the urban context. In the future, we suggest researchers pay more attention to(1) the ecological effect of the bird attracting measures,(2)the value of natural experience and environmental education brought by the urban avian fauna, and work with birdwatchers to design long-term urban avian researches.
Keywords:Ornithology  urban  China  review
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