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Extracellular vesicles have variable dose‐dependent effects on cultured draining cells in the eye
Authors:Saray Tabak  Sofia Schreiber‐Avissar  Elie Beit‐Yannai
Affiliation:Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology Department, The Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben‐Gurion University of the Negev, Beer‐Sheva, Israel
Abstract:The role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as signal mediators has been described in many biological fields. How many EVs are needed to deliver the desired physiological signal is yet unclear. Using a normal trabecular meshwork (NTM) cell culture exposed to non‐pigmented ciliary epithelium (NPCE)–derived EVs, a relevant model for studying the human ocular drainage system, we addressed the EVs dose–response effects on the Wnt signaling. The objective of the study was to investigate the dosing effects of NPCE‐derived EVs on TM Wnt signaling. EVs were isolated by PEG 8000 method from NPCE and RPE cells (used as controls) conditioned media. Concentrations were determined by Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing method. Various exosomes concentration were incubated with TM cells, for the determination of mRNA (β‐Catenin, Axin2 and LEF1) and protein (β‐Catenin, GSK‐3β) expression using real‐time quantitative PCR and Western blot, respectively. Exposure of NTM cells for 8 hrs to low EVs concentrations was associated with a significant decreased expression of β‐Catenin, GSK‐3β, as opposed to exposure to high exosomal concentrations. Pro‐MMP9 and MMP9 activities were significantly enhanced in NTM cells treated with high EV concentrations of (X10) as compared to low EV concentrations of either NPCE‐ or RPE‐derived EVs and to untreated control. Our data support the concept that EVs biological effects are concentration‐dependent at their target site. Specifically in the present study, we described a general dose–response at the gene and MMPs activity and a different dose–response regarding key canonical Wnt proteins expression.
Keywords:Extracellular vesicles  Wnt  Signaling  Trabecular meshwork  Exosomes  Non pigmented ciliary epithelium
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