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Mechanisms for enhancing nutrient uptake in plants,with particular reference to mediterranean South Africa and Western Australia
Authors:Byron Lamont
Affiliation:1. School of Biology, Western Australian Institute of Technology, 6102, Perth, Australia
Abstract:The major constraints to nutrient uptake by vascular plants in mediterranean South Africa and Western Australia are: very infertile soils, relatively low temperatures when water availability is high, and hot, dry summers. These constraints are partly overcome through increased efficiency of uptake, tapping novel sources of nutrients, and prolonging water uptake. Absorptive area per unit “cost” may be enlarged directly through increased fineness of the root system and proliferation of long root hairs. This reaches its greatest development in the root clusters of the Proteaceae (proteoid roots), Restionaceae (“capillaroid” roots) and Cyperaceae (dauciform roots). Absorptive area is increased indirectly through fungal hyphae which extend from hairless rootlets into the soil. Two major groups can be recognised: general (VA mycorrhizas) and host-specific (ericoid, orchid and sheathing mycorrhizas). Mycorrhizas are the most widespread specialised modes of nutrition and are probably universal in such major taxa here asPodocarpus, Acacia, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Rutaceae, terrestrial orchids, Ericales and Myrtaceae. General mycorrhizas are the least drought-adapted of mechanisms for maximising absorptive area. All have been implicated in enhancing P uptake through increasing access to inorganic P, solubilisation and shortening the diffusion path. However, selective uptake of other nutrients, especially N, by host-specific mycorrhizas may be equally important. Included under novel sources of nutrients are free N2 (utilised by N2-fixing nodules), small-animal prey (carnivorous leaves) and persistent leaf bases (aerial roots ofKingia australis). Both legume and non-legume N2-fixing species are well-represented in these two regions, with stands of individual species in southwestern Australia estimated to contribute 2–19 kg N/ha/yr to the ecosystem. Free nitrogen fixation requires additional nutrients, especially Mo and Co, but is enhanced following fires and by supplementary uptake mechanisms, especially VA mycorrhizas. Southwestern Australia is particularly rich in carnivorous species. Nitrogen, P, K and S are important nutrients absorbed, with digestion aided by enzymes provided by bacteria and the glands. Parasitic plants both tap novel sources of nutrients and capitalise on any efficient water and nutrient uptake mechanisms of the hosts. Root parasites are better represented than stem parasites in mediterranean South Africa and Western Australia. Phosphorus and K in particular are absorbed preferentially by the haustoria, but much remains to be known about their modes of operation. Maximum activity of all uptake mechanisms, except those attached to some deep-rooted plants, is restricted to winter-spring. Most new seasons’s rootlets and specialised roots are confined to the uppermost 15 cm of soil, especially in or near the decomposing litter zone. Nutrient uptake is further enhanced by the tendency for the rootlets to cluster, trapping water by capillary action and prolonging nutrient release. As an early product of decomposition, N tends to be available as NH4 (rather than NO3) and it is absorbed preferentially by almost all specialised modes of nutrition. Microorganisms are required in the formation and/or functioning of all these structures, except haustoria. Uptake mechanisms which are optional to the plant reach their peak contribution to the root system at soil nutrient levels well below those required for greatest plant growth, when they may be absent altogether. It is only over the narrow range of nutrient availability, where shoot content of a nutrient is greater in the presence of the mechanism than in its absence (other factors remaining constant), that specialised modes can be termed nutrient-uptake “strategies.” For all specialised modes of nutrition, the component genera are better represented in these two regions than in the surrounding more fertile, arid to subtropical regions of much greater area. Endemism of species with each mode exceeds that for the two floras overall (75%). This is taken as preliminary evidence that specialised modes of nutrition are best represented in nutrient-poor soils. While they serve to limit nutrient loss from the ecosystem, their proliferation is therefore not necessarily a response to increasing “leaks” in the system. A hierarchical scheme of the functional/structural relationships between the various mechanisms is presented, starting with the rootless, VA-mycorrhizal plant as the most primitive condition. Taxa with many of the specialised modes of nutrition at present in southwestern South Africa and Western Australia have been evident in the pollen record since the early Tertiary Period. The absence of ectomycorrhizal forests in mediterranean South Africa, in marked contrast to Western Australia, can be traced to differences in their paleohistory. In both regions, the combination of fluctuating, but essentially diminishing, nutrient and water availability that began with the first mediterranean climate < 5 million years ago resulted in decimation of the less-tolerant rainforest ancestors on the one hand, and remarkable rates of speciation of the pre-adapted sclerophyll nucleus on the other.
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