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Life history, biomass and production of two planktonic cyclopoid copepods in a shallow subtropical reservoir
Authors:Melao, Maria da Graca Gama   Rocha, Odete
Affiliation:Departamento de Hidrobiologia and 1 Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), 13565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Abstract:Two planktonic cyclopoid copepods (Tropocyclops prasinus andMesocyclops longisetus) were raised in the laboratory to obtainlife history information (duration of embryonic and post-embryonicdevelopment, reproductive performance, longevity, and stage-specificlength and weight values). Animals were maintained at 20 and25°C, and fed ad libitum. Development times were temperaturedependent when food was not limiting, with shorter periods ofembryonic and post-embryonic development and decreased longevityat 25°C. Laboratory data on the duration of developmentand biomass, together with population dynamics data obtainedin the field, were used to estimate summer and winter biomassand production of these species in a shallow reservoir, LagoaDourada, Brazil. The maximum production rate of T. prasinus,attained during summer, was 2.8 mg dry weight (DW) m–3day–1 and the highest daily production:biomass (P:B) ratiowas 0.29, whereas for M. longisetus the maximum production ratewas 1.4 mg DW m–3 day–1 and the highest daily P:Bratio was 0.39, in the winter. Over short time intervals (everyother day), there was great variability of the species productionrates. Species production rates were low compared to valuesreported in the literature for the same or other species ofequivalent sized copepods from both tropical and subtropicalregions.
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