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State dependent superparasitism in a solitary parasitoid: egg load and survival
Authors:Sirot, Etienne   Ploye, Henri   Bernstein, Carlos
Affiliation:Biométrie, Génétique et Biologie des Populations, UMR CNRS 5558, Université Lyon I 43 Boulevard du 11 November 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France
Abstract:In solitary parasitoids, superparasitism (the allocation ofan egg to an already parasitized host) has a payoff, measuredin offspring produced and costs, measured in eggs and time invested.Solitary parasitoids that are capable of host discriminationmust adopt the strategy that ensures the best use of both theiregg load and available lifetime. In this paper, we develop astate-dependent model defining the optimal strategy of superparasitismfor a solitary parasitoid species with overlapping generations.The fitness measure we use is based on the growth rate of thenumber of genotype copies. The model predicts that the tendencyto superparasitize should increase as the egg load of the parasitoidincreases, or as its life expectancy decreases. The model alsopredicts that under particular conditions wasps should showpartial preferences for parasitized hosts. These predictionswere tested with the parasitoid Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae). The tendency of the wasps to superparasitizein the presence of both healthy and parasitized hosts was correlatedto egg load and access to food before the experiment A complementaryexperiment, where parasitized hosts were given sequentiallyto parasitoids, showed that V. canescens exhibits partial preferencestoward superparasitism. These experimental results and a previouswork support the predictions of the model.
Keywords:Hymenoptera   Ichneumonidae   ooptimal foraging   partial preference   solitary parasitoids   superparasitism   statedependence   Venturia canesoms.
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