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Rate and pattern of migration of lineally-related olfactory bulb interneurons generated postnatally in the subventricular zone of the rat
Authors:Luskin, Marla B.   Boone, M. Scott
Abstract:A spatially discrete region of the anterior part of the postnataltelescephalic subventricular zone, referred to as the SVZa generatesvast numbers of lineally-related neurons destined for the olfactorybulb (Luskin, 1993). The cells originating in the SVZa migrateto the olfactory bulb along a highly restricted pathway whichis in a direction orthogonal to the orientation of radial glialfibers. In this study we analysed the number, distribution,orientation and rate of migration of SVZa-derived cells as theyapproach the olfactory bulb. In order to track the SVZa-derivedcells, a retroviral lineage tracer, encoding the reporter geneE.coli ß-galactosidase (lacZ) was injected preciselyinto the rat SVZa at postnatal day 1 (Pl). The lacZ-positivecells were visualized 1, 2 and 3 days later by X-Gal histochemistryin cryostat sections. As the number of SVZa-derived cells inthe pathway increased with survival time, their distributionchanged systematically. The distribution pattern of lacZ-positivecells by 2 and 3 days postinjection suggested that some of theprogeny of infected progenitor cells were undergoing neurogenesisas they proceeded to the olfactory bulb; a large percentageof the lacZ-positive cells were substantially displaced fromthe SVZa injection site. To investigate whether lacZ-positivecells migrate in a directed fashion, their orientation preferencewas scored. For the majority of lacZ-positive cells (>94%),their leading process was directed toward the olfactory bulb,possibly reflecting a response to migratory cues present alongthe pathway. The estimated average rate of cell migration tothe olfactory bulb was 23 µm/h, which is approximatelytwice the speed of radially directed neuronal migration fromthe telencephalic ventricular zone to the cortical plate (O'Rourkeet al, 1992). Collectively, these results suggest that SVZa-derivedintemeurons en route to the olfactory bulb may employ a novelmode of tangential migration.
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