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引用本文:阎新甫,刘文轩,王胜军,王西成,王锡锋. 大麦DNA导入小麦产生抗白粉病变异的遗传研究[J]. 遗传, 1994, 16(1): 26-30
作者姓名:阎新甫  刘文轩  王胜军  王西成  王锡锋
作者单位:(河南省农业科学院小麦研究所 郑州 450002 Institute of Wheat,Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Zhengzhou 450002)
摘    要:本研究将抗白粉病的大麦DNA通过花粉管途径直接导入感病的小麦品种花76中,后代出现13株抗白粉病变异株。其中5株在以后的世代中抗性稳定,另8株则继续分离。第2带分离株系的抗病株形成的第3代株系(或株行)中,抗性有分离的株行与无分离的株行比例为1.9:1,而分离株行内抗病株与不抗病株之比为3.35:1。抗性稳定株系与感病亲本杂交,F1表现高抗病,再与感病亲本回交,后代抗感病株比例为1:1,自交F2的比例为2.8:1。说明所获得的抗白粉病性受一对完全显性基因控制,抗病为显性。与已知抗白粉病基因的比较表明,这个抗病基因可能是来自大麦的一个新基因。13 Variant plants with immunity and high-resistance to powdery mildew were found in D1 generation from introducing resistant barley DNA into susceptible wheat cultivar, through pollen tube pathway after self pollination.Of the variants, 5 plants for the resistance had been stable and the other 8 plants segregated insuccessive generation.The ratio of segregating and stable plant-rows was 1.9:1 in D3 plant-rows derived from resistant plants of segregating D2-lines,and the ratio of resistant plants and susceptible plants was 3.35:1 among the segregating D3 plant-rows.The F1 -plants from crosses between stable resistant variants and susceptible parents were higgh resistant to powdery mildew.The ratio of resistant and susceptible plants was 1:1 in progenies of backcross of the F1 and susceptible parents, and this ratio was 2.8:1 in the F2 generation from the F1 selfing. Thus it can be seen that the resistance obtained is camtrolled by a pair of genes, the resistance is dominant. The results in comparison with known powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat indicated that the resistant gene obtained would be a new one from barley.

关 键 词:白粉病抗性  基因测定Wheat  外源DNA导入  小麦  大麦  大粒基因lk-f  千粒重  粳稻品种  粒长  半矮生基因sd-1  

Inheritance of Powdery Mildew Resistance in Variants Obtained by Introducing Barley DNA into Wheat
Yan Xinfu, Liu Wenxuan, Wang Shengjun, WangXicheng, Wang Xifeng. Inheritance of Powdery Mildew Resistance in Variants Obtained by Introducing Barley DNA into Wheat[J]. Hereditas, 1994, 16(1): 26-30
Authors:Yan Xinfu   Liu Wenxuan   Wang Shengjun   WangXicheng   Wang Xifeng
Abstract:13 Variant plants with immunity and high-resistance to powdery mildew were found in D1 generation from introducing resistant barley DNA into susceptible wheat cultivar, through pollen tube pathway after self pollination. Of the variants, 5 plants for the resistance had been stable and the other 8plants segregated in suecessive generation. The ratio of segregating and stab1e plant-rows was 1.9:1 inD3 plant-rows derived from resistant plants of segregating D2-lines, and the ratio of resistant plants andsusceptible plants was 3.35 :1 among the segregating D3 plant-rows. The F1-plants from crosses between stable resistant variants and susceptible parents were high resistant to powdery mildew. The ratio ofresistant and susceptible plants was 1:1 in progenies of backcross of the F1 and susceptib1e parents, andthis ratlo was 2.8:1 in the F2 gencration from the F1 selfing. Thus it can be scen that the resistance ob-tained is comtrolled by a pair of genes, the resistance is dominant. The results in comparison with knownpowdery mildew rcsistance genes in wheat indicated that the resistance gene obtained would be a new onefrom barley.
Keywords:Wheat   Powdery mildew resistance   Exogenous DNA introduction   Gene identification
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