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Les formations du jurassique supérieur du Bou Rheddou au Nord de Tiaret (Bordure sud-Tellienne,Algérie): âge et milieux de dépôt
Authors:François Atrops  Michel Benest
Abstract:In the Bou Rheddou mountain (Southern Tellian border), new biostratigraphic data based on Ammonites, allow precise and modify the age of the Arkell & Busson formations. The Oxfordian «Ammonitico rosso facies begin in the Transversarium zone and go into the Planula zone. This zone is characterized for the first time in this region. Lower Tithonian (Hybonotum zone) and Upper Tithonian (Microcanthum zone) are also recognized. Precisions on depositional environment and paleogeography are given. Facies and low sedimentation show a pelagic shoal (abundant planctonic organisms) slightly subsiding and lately recovered by the Jurassic transgression. During Oxfordian, episodic interruption of the «Ammonitico rosso deposits shows an unstable period with terrigenous deposits (intra-oxfordian tectonic movements). The facies of the Northern-Gondwanian carbonated platform begin earlier in the Bou Rheddou zone (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary) than in the Southern regions, where the same facies appears only in Upper Kimmeridgian.
Keywords:Biostratigraphie  Jurassique supérieur  Oxfordien  Kimméridgien  Tithonique  Algérie  Tell  Ammonitico rosso  Paléontologie  Microfaciès  Paléogéographie  Biostratigraphy  Upper jurassic  Oxfordian  Kimmeridgian  Tithonian  Algeria  Tell  Ammonitico Rosso  Paleontology  Microfacies  Paleogeography
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