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Implications paléobiogéographiques de la découverted'une nouvelle localité éocène à vertébrés continentaux en afrique nord-occidentale: El Kohol (Sud-Oranais,Algérie)
Authors:Mohamed Mahboubi  Rabia Ameur  Jean-Yves Crochet  Jean-Jacques Jaeger
Abstract:The new fossil locality of El Kohol is located on the southern flank of the Saharan Altas, near Brezina (Algeria). It has been discovered in a thick Palaeogene continental series divided into 4 members: a transitional gypsiferous member, a lower red detritic member, a middle marly-calcareous member, and an upper red detritic member. The new flora and fauna have been obtained by excavation and washing-screening of a marly level of the middle member. The main finds are charophytes, lower vertebrates, a marsupial and eutherian mammals (lipotyphlan Insectivora, hyracoids, creodonts and Proboscidea). Geological and palaeontological data allow to refer these fossil remains, at least provisorily, to the end of the early Eocene. Palaeobiogeographical comments are made about forms with Holarctic affinities.
Keywords:Vertébrés  Charophytes  Éocène Inférieur  Algérie  Paléobiogéographie  Vertebrates  Charophytes  Early eocene  Algeria  Paleobiogeography
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