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Diversity and succession of pelagic microorganism communities in a newly restored Illinois River floodplain lake
Authors:Michael J. Lemke  Sara F. Paver  Keenan E. Dungey  Luiz Felipe M. Velho  Angela D. Kent  Luzia Cleide Rodrigues  Doyn M. Kellerhals  Michelle R. Randle
Affiliation:1.Institute of Zoology,University of Graz,Graz,Austria;2.Operational Directorate Taxonomy and Phylogeny,Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,Brussels,Belgium;3.Department of Plant Sciences,University of Oxford,Oxford,UK;4.Lake Tanganyika Research Unit, Department of Fisheries,Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock,Mpulungu,Zambia;5.Laboratory of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Genomics, Department of Biology,University of Leuven,Louvain,Belgium;6.Biology Department,Royal Museum for Central Africa,Tervuren,Belgium;7.Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science,Masaryk University,Brno,Czech Republic;8.Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, Operational Directorate Natural Environment,Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,Brussels,Belgium
Abstract:Stenotopic specialization to a fragmented habitat promotes the evolution of genetic structure. It is not yet clear whether small-scale population structure generally translates into large-scale intraspecific divergence. In the present survey of mitochondrial genetic structure in the Lake Tanganyika endemic Altolamprologus (Teleostei, Cichlidae), a rock-dwelling cichlid genus comprising A. compressiceps and A. calvus, habitat-induced population fragmentation contrasts with weak phylogeographic structure and recent divergence among genetic clades. Low rates of dispersal, perhaps along gastropod shell beds that connect patches of rocky habitat, and periodic secondary contact during lake level fluctuations are apparently sufficient to maintain genetic connectivity within each of the two Altolamprologus species. The picture of genetic cohesion was interrupted by a single highly divergent haplotype clade in A. compressiceps restricted to the northern part of the lake. Comparisons between mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenetic reconstructions suggested that the divergent mitochondrial clade originated from ancient interspecific introgression. Finally, ‘isolation-with-migration’ models indicated that divergence between the two Altolamprologus species was recent (67–142 KYA) and proceeded with little if any gene flow. As in other rock-dwelling cichlids, recent population expansions were inferred in both Altolamprologus species, which may be connected with drastic lake level fluctuations.
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